View Full Version : Pics of our new babies! ((Dialup WARNING))

08-20-03, 07:25 AM
Well, as promised, here are the new babies I picked up from Mark IsBell. Hopefully at least some of you here will pick up on the names we used for the corns.

Here's what I find unique - I gave them hiding tubes, but every one of them prefers to perch WAY up, on top of their rubbermaid bin, inside the lid! Check this out:


They ALL do that! I'm givng them hide boxes soon. Maybe they will come down. :)

Anyway, the piccies!

Starting with Raistlin:


And his Brother Caramon:


Yes, they are a ghost and a snow from the same clutch, which was a Ghost/Ghost breeding. Amazing how genes work, eh? For those who know the characters I'm naming these two after, isn't it appropriate? Raistlin being the darker one, and also being a Ghost? Hehehehe

Here's Kitiara. She's very much a trooper, and I LOVE her head pattern!


And Tasslehoff, who is by far the most hyper ghost I got. He was picked for his very light color:


Here's Goldmoon, the other Snow. She was picked for color and her almost complete lack of a head pattern:


And that'll do it for the corns. :)

Here's the Lavendar CalKing, which we named Leviathan as of 10 PM last night:


And last but CERTAINLY not least, our Vietnamese Blue Beauty, who we named Furious, because that what she was when she got home:


She's actually very handleable and tame most of the time. She tail whips a LOT, but hasn't bitten Dragon or I yet.

Hope you enjoyed these pics, comments welcome!

08-20-03, 07:50 AM
Congrats, Invictus & reddragon. Beautiful babies you got there, I especially love the blue beauty. We've lost one of our corns, she escaped last night. We've turned the front room (Where his tank is) upside down. Not a sign. We're at a loss to where she's gone.

Both our corns hide under their lids. Its really funny if you dont see them & open the lid. You see a snake drop to the bottom. Can be a bit of a shock to the Mrs & kids ;)

08-20-03, 08:10 AM
Very nice new ones Invictus (and red dragon). I snatched up the girl snows from Mark's ghost to ghost breedings because they are homozygous for hypo along with the amel and anery. Makes them useful test breeding females (to see whether these three genes are present in an unknown male) but also there are some indications that the hypo is not completely masked by snow and these may have a tendency toward pinker coloration as they mature. Hope to see more of your little hypo snow as he matures.

We see the baby corns seek out the tightest space they can for a hide - and that may be why they like the space under the lid. I am using 3/4 plastic pipe cut into 5 inche lenghts for hides and almost every one of them is packed into their little tube, often with just a nose visible - too cute.

spyderman - sorry to hear of the loss of your corn - they can squeeze through such tiny spaces - best of luck in locating her.

mary v.

08-20-03, 08:33 AM
Wow, nice pics and picks. I'm esp fond of the blue beauty, the lav, and Kit. Awesome head pattern on her! How's everyone eating? Good names, excellent books. =P

08-20-03, 08:39 AM
Nice stuff guys!!

08-20-03, 08:43 AM
Congrats on the new additions, they all look great! :D

08-20-03, 08:44 AM
Very nice! I am pratial to that really nice light ghost and your cal king!


08-20-03, 08:54 AM
They're all eating great! Yesterday was the day! We fed the corns f/t mouse pinkies and the King and Blue Beauty took down r/t rat pinkies like champs. The Beauty wouldn't take the prey when dangling in her face like the rest though, she actually backed off from it, tagged it, and started doing her cute little tail whip. So, I just left the prey lying in her cage. Next thing we knew, Invictus checked back on her to see her with a fat belly. :)

08-20-03, 09:20 AM
Actually, they were supposed to be mouse fuzzies that we gave the King and the VBB, but they were more like hopper mice. I didn't give them pinkies at all. Nonetheless, even the king, being a neonate, took down the hopper with NO problems at all. They're machines. :)

08-20-03, 09:59 AM
congratulations to you both,the corns are just so cute, Your vbb looks great, I've heard that they can be a bit of a handful.
keep us updated as they grow.

P.S. we found our corn at last,she was in the laundry basket in the hallway....she was lucky she wasn't put in the washing machine!!...lol

08-20-03, 11:55 AM
wow.. awesome snakes.. ;)..

08-20-03, 02:05 PM
Wow, I REALLY like the Lavendar, it looks amazing!!!

08-20-03, 02:07 PM
Awesome new additions, good luck with them all!!! :D


08-20-03, 02:22 PM
beautiful snakes. I'm more of a boid person, but snows and ghosts are so cute..I am thinking about getting a pair of each :D

08-20-03, 03:33 PM
Nice Pics, THX for showing off my stock heh heh. Nice pic of the Lavender I like pics with tounge action LOL. Mark I.

P.S. I find with all my VBB's be it the babies or Ma & Pop that if you try to "tease" them at all for a strike they just get all PO & won't eat. They are secretive & will eat just about anything left for them & in the babies case they have eaten every single thing ever offered.

08-20-03, 04:16 PM
ive decided i MUST have a lavender to add to my cal king collection....very nice pics :groove:

08-21-03, 01:11 AM
give me your VBB :D

08-21-03, 01:36 AM
very nice youngins, I really like the ghosts, good colouring on them all.


08-21-03, 02:09 PM
Originally posted by crucified
give me your VBB :D

Only if I get your Cresties. ;)

08-21-03, 08:18 PM
Originally posted by TheRedDragon
Only if I get your Cresties. ;)

Excuse me??? *I* paid for that VBB. You can both kiss my ***. I'm keeping her. :)

08-21-03, 09:41 PM
haha invictus.. good one :P

08-22-03, 12:11 AM
Now no reason to fight kids theres more where that one came from heh heh Mark I.