View Full Version : They sure learn fast ... ..
08-20-03, 05:50 AM
Fresh out of the egg and already knows the Bronx cheer
Aw, so adorable! I can't wait to get one! :) I love it when they do that!
08-20-03, 09:36 AM
Awwwww! That's so cute! :)
Very cute. Congrats DD. How many eggs did you have?
08-20-03, 09:55 AM
Originally posted by enso
Very cute. Congrats DD. How many eggs did you have?
I usually have around 18-20 crested gecko eggs and 4-6 gargoyle eggs at any given time. Cresties are darned cute when they hatch, but nothing beats a gargoyle right out of the egg. They're even cuter, big blue eyes staring at you. Gargoyles seem calmer right out of the egg as well, you can get some neat pictures of them.
Skink Keeper
08-20-03, 10:02 AM
wow they are so cute. is the incubation period the same for gargoyles and cresteds?
LOL!!! Wow, that is a beautiful gecko! Never seen a pic of that species before. Do they keep that coloration to adulthood? Congrats agian on all the neonates.
08-20-03, 11:18 AM
:medbigsmi PRECIOUS!!
wow, nice geckos, congrat!
08-20-03, 12:18 PM
What Crested Geckos will you have for a sale at the sept 7th show
08-20-03, 02:15 PM
Congrats, got any reds??? :D
08-20-03, 02:23 PM
that is so adorable! I can't wait to get my crestie. I'm still searching for the perfect one..:D
08-20-03, 07:24 PM
Some of the baby cresties are red or rusty red right now, but there's no telling if they'll stay that way. Some do, some change as they age. By the time they're 5-6 months old, you can pretty well tell what they're going to be, but any younger and it's a gamble. I've got a red female (Red Ridinghood in my ssnakess album), and several younger reds I'm raising up. There's just no way I could promise that any of the red ones I've got now will stay that way when mature.
I'm hoping to have about 6 or 8 babies old enough to take to the September show, it all depends on how well they eat and grow by then.
Incubation for the gargoyles is a bit slower - mine average about 2-3 weeks longer than the cresties. And gargoyles aren't as prolific as cresties either. The females seem to lay about 6 clutches a year, sometimes resting a couple of months between clutches.
08-20-03, 08:08 PM
Soooo cute Hilde, congrats on the new babies!! :D
Skink Keeper
08-20-03, 10:12 PM
Thanks. i wont be breeding them anytime soon i just like to have the info.
08-20-03, 10:15 PM
They are wonderful little guys.
Great Pics.
Happy Herping,
Cute geckos!!:D
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