View Full Version : Ok, this is scary if it is true!

08-19-03, 01:40 PM
Too close to home! I got this email today and wondered if it were actually true? Just in case I thought I would share it with you all.

Holly's Law

Monday May 12, one day after mother's day, ten year old Holly Jones said
goodbye to her mother for the last time. Her tiny body washed ashore on
Toronto's Wards Island less than 24 hours later sexually assaulted,
dismembered and entombed in several black duffle bags.

Two Hundred and forty three convicted child molesters live within 3 km
of Holly's west end Toronto neighbourhood. Under the current law, a
convicted child molester can be released into the community after
serving relatively light sentences. The molester's rights to freedom and
privacy is protected by law while members of the community in which they
live are not entitled to notification of their presence in their
neighbourhood. Convicted child molesters are allowed to interact freely
with our children even when there is a known and real threat for them to
reoffend. Holly's law will clarify the definition of a child molester,
make it a federal offence, and incarcerate any convicted child molester
for life in a specifically designated federal treatment facility or
until he has convinced a dooly appointed panel that he is no longer a
threat to children.

It is a known fact that most child molesters were themselves victims of
abuse as children. It is the intention of Holly's law to rehabilitate
offenders when possible, but give priority to the safety of our children
by keeping offenders a safe distance away until they are no longer a
threat. We know this will curb the cyclical corruption of the most
innocent members of our society.

Currently, provincial courts prosecute these cases, creating difficulty
for law enforcement officials to keep track of their movements from
province to province upon release. By making the crime a federal
offence, one nation wide body will be responsible for all cases in
Canada, making it much easier for law enforcement officials to track
those who are released if and when we attempt to reintegrate them into
our society.

Please support Holly's Law by signing the petition below and help bring
some meaning to the senseless and preventable tragic murder of Holly
Jones. Perhaps the life you save will be that of your own daughter or

Click on the website to sign the petition: http://www.hollyslaw.ca/

Gayle L. Clarke
Adjointe administrative

beth wallbank
08-19-03, 01:50 PM
Sadly enough, yes, the petition is very real and very true. I have two young children myself, and I think my world would stop dead if anything as devastating happened to either one of them. I think if you haven't signed the petition you should.

08-19-03, 02:10 PM
I signed the petition

08-19-03, 02:25 PM
Signed!! Im not in Canada, but I do have kids. I would personally do the most horrible things imaginable to any person who touches any of mine or anyone elses kids. I definatelly don't think they should be allowed to walk the streets to commit again.

Skink Keeper
08-19-03, 03:07 PM
I signed. i don't have any kids but nobody should touch children. I agree with spyderman they shouldn't walk the streets again.

Scales Zoo
08-19-03, 03:13 PM
Personally, I thinkwhen it comes to crimes against children, there should be no such thing as a "repeat" offender. Period.


08-19-03, 05:57 PM
I signed the petition of course. I honestly think they should give the death penalty to child molesters...at least then they'd no longer be a threat to society. Just my two cents.

08-19-03, 07:12 PM
Personally, I thinkwhen it comes to crimes against children, there should be no such thing as a "repeat" offender. Period.

Very well said. Anyone who touches a child shouldn't ever get a second chance.

08-19-03, 07:35 PM
THanks guys. I had signed it anyway cuz it looked pretty real to me and after hearing about a little girl found in pieces not long ago in Toronto area, (wasn't sure if it was the same girl or not) I assumed it was her and signed.

I have an 8 year old that everyone says I'm over protective with..... well, now they know why!

08-19-03, 07:39 PM
Thats disgusting!!! 243 in just three kilometres. Whats wrong with these guys... I think once they go in to prison they should stay in there for a good 50 years and think about the lives they ruined and the psycological damage they did.

08-19-03, 07:50 PM
Capital punishment is always a way to go for this type of crime.....call or send your view on the subject to your MP.....

Bryce Masuk
08-19-03, 08:47 PM
IMO child molesters should go "missing"

08-19-03, 08:50 PM
Originally posted by Bryce Masuk
IMO child molesters should go "missing"

100% Agree


08-19-03, 08:57 PM
Such a beautiful little girl, what a waste of life. There shouldn't be a need for it in our 'sophisticated' civilization, but I signed.


08-19-03, 09:39 PM
I was so annoyed after reading it the first time. I just reread it and saw the part about the molesters having rights. What rights should they be entitled to? IMO they forfeit any rights the day they put their scummy hands on a child.

08-19-03, 09:53 PM
I think laws are too loose in general. I think if a VIOLENT crime is committed, be it harming/molesting/murdering an adult, child, animal, whatever, that person should be imprisonned accordingly.
Jails should be a little less like hotels, and jail sentences should be a little less like paid vacations and more like the prisons we see in movies like the Shawshank Redemption (short of abusing the prisonners themselves, of course).
However, one must acknowledge the fact that that isn't always possible. You can't infringe on someones written freedom because they have molested a child, which in the eyes of the law isn't all that bad. You definitely can't imprison them for life. And even if you could, there are so many variables a lawyer could play on to reduce the sentence. Rehabilitation is the obvious answer - turn criminals into productive members of society! But is that possible in most cases (one would think so - new systems of rehabilitation need to be worked on)? If it isn't, we can't possibly keep 250 rapists per 3kms in jails forever. There is hardly enough room as it is :(. The target should be schools and the homes of children. We should try and stop the problem before it arrises, because it's obviously far easier to prevent a rape than to try and rehabilitate a rapist.

Anyway, I did sign the petition, but online petitions aren't official and I doubt Holly's Law will be in place any time soon soon. Hopefully, though, her relatives can find solace in the huge volume of signatures, and that this petition will make way for severed laws.


08-19-03, 09:57 PM
It was bad enough as it was, but then how he but her up into pieces and dumped her into a lake....thats even worse.

Bryce Masuk
08-20-03, 12:30 AM
The reason they have rights is because they my have not commited the crime

Jail has never Rehabilitated anyone you think sticking someone in cage makes then all better jail is used to scare people who would otherwise not hesisitate to do crime stop and think jail is about making examples of people not about rehabilitating them it scares them but thats about it

08-20-03, 12:35 AM
Bryce, actually there are many rehabilitation programs for prisonners. They have group sessions, work with therapists, some even train seeing eye dogs to learn to care about something that loves them back. While this therapy does not work on all, it definitely does work for many. The rate of reoffending is about 60%, so that means 40% are rehabilited (or aren't caught for other crimes). Which isn't great. but it's better than nothing.


Bryce Masuk
08-20-03, 12:57 AM
Yes they do have those programs but who wants to hire a ex con? I wouldnt ( I know they can get pardons but untill they are pardoned it still follows them)

I should have specifyed this but i was mainly talking about severe crimes 99% of crime that people are busted on isnt murder
Theft and drugs are the reason the main portion of people are in jail

08-20-03, 01:16 AM
Yep, and tax fraud, whatever. But there are a lot of violent criminals in jail.

Anyway, usually a prisonner can't be let out on parole unless they have a job lined up for them. Prison employees can find them, there are employers out there who readily accept cheap laborers.

But I am strongly against capital punishment (someone mentionned it earlier). It costs millions of dollars to execute someone - and frankly it's an easy way out. Of course, death row itself is not pleasent. Sitting there for years, just waiting to be kiled *shudder*. But yeah, prevention is majorly the key.
