View Full Version : I'm new here

08-19-03, 11:51 AM
My names Katie, I'm 17 and I have a lot of pets....7 rats, 3 dogs, 3 cats, 2 parakeets, 1 hamster, 1 rabbit, fish, 1 chinchilla, 4 mice....and I think that's all? I'm getting a ball python soon, my first one died unexpectedly while I was away last week and I'm really upset. He was the best snake ever, and I fought so much with my mom to let me keep him after I snuck him home, and she finally caved. She feels really bad that he died, and no one seems to know what happened to him....but mom's getting me another snake when I'm ready...but right now I'm just greiving over my boy Pharaoh and it's too soon for me to get another. Anyway, heres some pictures of Pharaoh...

Pharaoh LOVED attention and to be out of his tank (I moved him into a 29gal, theres only the tupperware box in the pix)....If he saw me, he would get to the closest side of the tank where I was and try to climb up the side. And if I tried putting him back, he would latch onto my wrist and not let go.


08-19-03, 12:50 PM
Sorry to hear what happened to your bp.
Best of luck with the new snake and welcome to SsnakesS

Skink Keeper
08-19-03, 12:52 PM
welcome to ssnakess.
sorry about ur bp.

08-19-03, 12:55 PM
sorry for your loss.

Welcome to sSnakeSs

08-19-03, 01:18 PM
that sucks about your BP. where did you get him? I wouldn't advise getting another BP from a pet store, they usually sell sick and poorly treated animals. Look into a good breeder or look around for a nice reptile shop (even though some reptile shops are just as bad as pet stores! I was lucky to find a really awesome reptile shop that does all their own breeding). Good luck finding your next snake!

and welcome to the site!

08-19-03, 01:21 PM
Welcome to ssnakess, sorry about your loss :(


08-19-03, 01:26 PM
Sorry to hear about your bp. Welcome & I know you'll enjoy the site. I too would look for a good breeder instead of a pet store. Breeders usually look after their hatchlings a lot better.

I got my first snake 2 months ago. She's a bull snake exactly the same as your bp was, she loves attention & it isn't unusual to have half a dozen of the streets kids in at any one time, looking at & handling her. When I put her back in her cage, she looks out the door as if to say "Is that it?!?!" I can leave the door open & she just looks out of it without crossing over it. She's weird!!!

08-19-03, 01:43 PM
evening, well it is for me at the moment! im new here, well for a few weeks... I lost all 4 of my corn snakes in two months because of disease, that was nasty, but definately get another reptile, i am thinking of getting a bp. A load of people always say get em from a breeder, ours were from a pet shop, and they died so i see a pattern evolving!!! anyways welcome to the site, i have already asked a few general questions, and got lots of good replies. cya around the ball python forum hopefully.


08-19-03, 02:09 PM
Originally posted by ohh_kristina
that sucks about your BP. where did you get him?

I got him from a breeder in NY. I wouldn't get a snake from a petstore, though I've been tempted. I may hold off for a while and go to a reptile show to get one.

08-19-03, 02:24 PM
Welcome, Katie. I have had snakes, too. i had two ball pythons and 2 burmese. i currently have to stick to Geckos since my dogs would kill any snake i took out of it's tank. they are such hunters. So for the safety of any snakes, i won't get them. i have two crested geckos due here on Thursday. Cannot wait. oh, by the way, i am in the Poconos. are you in Western NJ? Colleen

08-19-03, 05:20 PM
welcome to the site! sorry about your bp, but glad to see that you're getting another :D

08-19-03, 06:23 PM
I'm sorry for your loss, but nonetheless, welcome to the site, Katie.

08-19-03, 06:31 PM
Welcome to the forums!!! Sorry to hear about your loss. I hope you have lots of luck with the next one.

08-20-03, 02:21 AM
Welcome to the site, Katie.
Sorry to hear about your bp, I'm sure you will feel up to getting another soon.


08-21-03, 10:48 AM
Welcome, Katie! Very sorry about your loss.

08-21-03, 01:33 PM
Welcome to SsnakesS Katie, and I'm sorry to hear about your loss.

08-22-03, 01:55 PM
Welcome Katie, good luck with your next ball python.

08-22-03, 02:00 PM
Welcome to the site..you will really enjoy it here. Sorry bout your BP..hope you get over the loss soon. :(