View Full Version : My cages... pics finally

08-18-03, 01:52 PM
Here's my herp room!



The four cages in the top pic I had built for me. The top left has a female Ball. The bottom left is a male normal Corn. Top right is a IJ carpet female and the bottom right is our latest addition, a juv male BCC. Woohoo! :D The little 10 gallon on the end holds a rescue corn (caught in a mouse trap but doing fine).

The other pic is two melamine cages my father and I built. The top houses our female Beardie and the bottom one is reserved for the BCC. Sorry about the darkness of the pic, it's tough because of all the light coming out of those cages.

Thanks for lookin!

08-18-03, 01:59 PM
Sweet!!!! That looks awesome! :)

08-18-03, 02:03 PM
Cool room, i cant wait until i have my own.


Skink Keeper
08-18-03, 04:29 PM
look very good. I'll hope to have my own herp room soon enough.

Shane Tesser
08-18-03, 04:34 PM
Nice Corr.....when do i get to do the tour? :D

08-18-03, 05:36 PM
Thanks for the comments everyone.

Shane, whenever your in town buddy! I'm in the book and the "pop" is always cold. :)

08-19-03, 02:51 AM
oh man...i love looking at herp rooms. gahgeous!

08-19-03, 10:25 AM
yep. that's our room. ( i am corr's daughter). pretty cool.

08-21-03, 06:14 PM
Great stuff. I can't wait until we move and I have more room. Thanks for the pics.

08-21-03, 06:58 PM
Wow, those cages are awesome, corr!

08-21-03, 07:53 PM
Yes I love looking at herp rooms at well, it inspires and sometimes can give you good ideas as well! I love the melamine enclosure, in fact after seeing those ones, I'm getting very excited about the ones I will start to build any week now...I'm building 4 of them.....all 5 feet in length. Good stuff!


08-21-03, 08:02 PM
i really like your stacked up tanks in the bottom pic. Did you build those yourself? What animal is being housed in the bottom of the two?

08-22-03, 04:33 AM
Thanks again for the compliments everyone. I'm very happy with the room. It's so much more convenient!

Bartman - The lower cage is the future home of our BCC. My father and I built them out of 3/4 melamine. The glass is some old house windows that were in my brother's basement and I cut them to size (the knobs were already there). Each one has a dual lamp fluorescent and an incandescent fixture. The lower one is just a mini greenhouse right now. :)

08-24-03, 03:02 PM
Nice set up corr