View Full Version : Stupid Me!

08-18-03, 12:44 AM
Just thought i would let you guys know of the stupidity that embraced me today. So i am at the store buying some aspen shavings for my burm and boa. So i am in the isle with all the shavings and i grab what i thought was aspen. I put it in my cart backside up. So i get to the register and she scans it while its still in the cart and it comes up 5.00. I was like Damn, good price. Didnt think anything of it. Got home and cleaned out my cages and put the shavings in. I noticed quite a bit of dust and i smelled pine. I looked at the bag and it was a huge bag of pine shavings!! I was like, Man, this sucks. So i washed out my cages and replaced it with news paper. I guess i will have to wait for tuesday to come and i will pick up some aspen. As for now i am stuck with a huge bag of Pine shavings that i can do nothing with.

Well Sh@t happens.



08-18-03, 07:34 AM
if you breed mice/rats use it for that.

08-18-03, 11:12 AM
Yah, but i dont so im stuck. Its ok tho, it was only 5 bucks.

08-18-03, 11:25 AM
oops that sux!

08-18-03, 11:37 AM
not the end of the world...

08-18-03, 11:41 AM
Oops! Oh well, if you know any one that has rodents, maybe you can give it to them.

08-20-03, 04:21 PM
make a pillow for yourself :p

08-21-03, 05:22 AM
donate it to your local humane society. the one i volunteer at always has rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, etc. and we could always use more bedding for them. just an idea.

08-21-03, 05:25 AM
What a great idea Lisa...i never would've thought to do that! Next time i buy the wrong stuff i'll know where to take it! :)