View Full Version : Enough space?

08-17-03, 04:54 PM
Well I moved my monitor from my 150gallon takn to a 20gallon tank this AM...As we're moving the 250 gallon into the pet store. Is 20 a 20 gallon tank enough space for him? Hes only 12 inches long...Also the 'hot spot' in the tank is at 95 degrees? Is this too hot/cold?

08-17-03, 09:40 PM
I think its OK....But not for long. And The hot spot i think should be hotter. I read that somebreades like there hot spots at like 120F.

08-17-03, 10:23 PM
I think we may have to establish what species of monitor it is first. But a 20 gallon sounds really smally for a 12" monitor no matter what kind.

08-17-03, 10:25 PM
It's a savannah right? 20 gal for a 12" monitor is to small as tabastifur said. Just make an enclosure, they cost considerably less then glass aquariums do, and work much better.

95 for a hotspot is to cold as well, your sav will end up with an RI. Get that spot up to 120-130's as reptilez said. Do this stuff, and you'll have a happy monitor. Good luck.

08-17-03, 10:42 PM
Yeah I think a 20gal is too small, expecially since he is already 12 inches. Not only that but think how he is gonna feel about going from a massive 150 to a meir 20. As for the basking spot, like V.hb said, it should be 115F minimum. Remember, thats where they get their name....the Savannah is a very hot place. Just curious though, why are you giving your 150 gallon to a petstore.

08-18-03, 12:24 PM
Originally posted by JeffT
Yeah I think a 20gal is too small, expecially since he is already 12 inches. Not only that but think how he is gonna feel about going from a massive 150 to a meir 20. As for the basking spot, like V.hb said, it should be 115F minimum. Remember, thats where they get their name....the Savannah is a very hot place. Just curious though, why are you giving your 150 gallon to a petstore.

A friend that is opening a pet store is using it for two large mating red tails...Also what can I do to make the hot spot hotter? I have it up to 95 with a 75watt desert light now...Should I go to a larger wattage?

08-18-03, 09:59 PM