View Full Version : Crested Tattoo

08-17-03, 02:01 PM
I plan on getting a Crested gecko tattoo. I was wondering if anyone has some cute pics that they wouldn't mind me using. I'm going to try and get one of my own but my camera is not that good at the closeups. So could all you owners of these awesome critters please help me find the perfect pic for my tattoo.

08-17-03, 02:12 PM
where are you going to put it? how big will it be? sorry, i don't have a photo, b/c mine are coming thru the mail on Thursday(Yay!):groove:

08-17-03, 02:43 PM
I'm not sure on where I'm going to put it or how big it'll be but most likely no bigger then the actual size of an adult crested.

08-17-03, 06:59 PM
Come on I know someone here has to have some cute pics of their crested geckos.

08-17-03, 09:50 PM
Were you thinking of a full body shot then? Or a profile?

08-18-03, 01:57 PM
Ya a full body shot. I want something that shows how cute they are. I was thinking of having it on the inside of my wrist (sp?). Kinda make it look like it's crawling up. Anyone understand that lol. I was thinking of having it's back to me but having it looking at me at the same time?? Or at least something like that. I realize I can't get an actual shot of that but I'm hoping the tattoo artist can kinda draw it from a pic or 2.

08-19-03, 08:33 AM
Here's the links to a couple of albums that have pics of my cresties in them -- you're welcome to use any of them if you see something that you like :) Let me know if you do decide to use one, and how it turns out!


Hope that helps a bit! :)

08-19-03, 02:55 PM
WOW those are some awesome geckos that you have. Some awesome pics too. I think I might have found a couple to use. I'm not sure if I'll use them for sure or not. I'm going to try and get some good shots of mine first. Thank you VERY much!!

08-22-03, 10:42 AM
i like this one for a full body shot. i have a few more in my album as well

08-25-03, 11:46 AM
That's not a bad shot Rave.

08-25-03, 10:50 PM
there are a few more in my album. You chould always alter it a bit so that he is horizontal or somthing, or holding onto something else, like a certain flower or something

08-26-03, 08:12 PM
You're welcome Rebecca, be sure to post a pic if you ever do get one!