View Full Version : Gree Tree Frogs?

08-17-03, 01:11 PM
Ok...I was told this morning that I could feed my Sav. Green tree frogs????? IS this true? Ive never heard anything of the sort...or read anything about it.

08-17-03, 01:34 PM
Me either! Insects yes....they might eat them, but only RANA sp. If you feed toads your savannah will most surely die....V> ruydicollis and V. jobiensis eat frogs.


08-17-03, 04:04 PM
Where in the world would a wild Sav. see a gren tree frog!! LOL!

08-17-03, 04:49 PM
Originally posted by Jeff_Favelle
Where in the world would a wild Sav. see a gren tree frog!! LOL!

Thats what I thought...LOL could you imagine a full grown one chasing them up a tree? LMAO

08-17-03, 08:32 PM
Baby exanthematicus spend alot of time in the trees where its safer, except from a mamba!!


08-17-03, 08:36 PM
I had adults that climbed quite often.. if given the oprotunity to climb, and have the option to bask high, ive seem them do it. I think its an individual trait though. I had my savs in an enclosure that was 8' tall, it had a tree braced in it more so for looks, so i threw a basking light over one of the thick branches.. in no time one of the savs got right up there and basked for hours... There were others that never even looked twice at the tree however...

08-18-03, 12:47 AM
Ha ha snip3r!! I was thinking more along the lines of what the heck would a tree frog be doing on the plains of Africa!! LOL!!

Kyle Barker
08-18-03, 12:50 AM
Jeff, start collectin those bulls, there is finally a use for em :)

08-18-03, 06:25 AM
Frogs are usually loaded with flagellate parasites that can easily transfer themselves to your monitor's gut. I'd not personally take the risk when rodents are cheaper and easier to find frozen.

Kyle Barker
08-18-03, 01:42 PM
I always thought a diet of rodents was horrible for monitors. is variety not the key? Can freezing kill flagellates? I also found TONS of amoeba in bullfrog sh*t, they die when frozen?