View Full Version : Different way of doing the deed , will it work??

08-17-03, 03:11 AM
I have read a lot about using CO2 to put down rats & mice. Sounds relatively humane, you are basically suffocating them quickly. The cervical dislocation is probably quicker and more painless if you don’t have many to do and have the stomach for it.J The problem I have is that I can’t get dry ice locally, so I was wondering if putting the rodents in a vacuum to suffocate them would be just as effective. I could do this by putting them in a pail hooked up to a vacuum generator (Venturi style) and suck all the air out. Should be the same effect as replacing the air with CO2. Just looking for some feedback, has anyone ever tried this or heard of it being done?


08-17-03, 07:14 AM
Putting them in a vacuum is slow and painful. the difference with CO2 is they can breath CO2 and it makes them tired and they fall asleep first. (much like the effects of it's cousin CO or carbon monoxide). so it's not that you are suffocating them with CO2 but rather giving them a poison gas. When you breath CO2 or CO you don't really notice other then being tired, and thats because the CO2 molocules are small enough for your lungs to absorb. Also with a vacuum you face having some of the rodents damaged (greater pressure on the inside of the rodent then the outside)

You may want to consider getting a CO2 canister if dry ice isn't available to you. Look for a welding supplies shop, they may also have dry ice.

08-17-03, 10:21 AM
Exactly how many animals are you feeding rodents to?

Unless it is a heck of a lot, just go with cervical dislocation.

You'll get used to the crunch. :)

08-17-03, 06:06 PM
plus dry ice has to be stored at -30 odd so its impracticle for most as would reqire a special freezer:( cervicle dislocation is the ONLY way to go

08-18-03, 07:26 AM
I just get dry ice when i need it, no need to store it.

08-18-03, 03:36 PM
As Lisa mentioned, sucking their air out with a vacuum is different than gassing them, as well as I'm sure if you managed to create a perfect seal you'd suck the lungs straight out of the little guys. If you find cervical dislocation too hands on for you... try blunt trauma. It's not as bad since you can't see them. Make sure you hit them hard enough though!