View Full Version : Taste full??

08-16-03, 03:56 PM
Is there a taste full to tell a pet store owner that they are keeping a lizard wrong?? My local pet store has some beardies on sand and don't even have a thermo in there to tell the temp. I want to say something but not insult them. It's to only pet store in my town I don't want to get banned.

08-16-03, 06:14 PM
Just say it in a "helpful / "friendly" way, they might even appreciate it. ; )

08-16-03, 10:38 PM
Sometimes it helps to bring in a caresheet and just gently express your concern for the animals' wellbeing. Letting them know that a few simple changes in their husbandry can help them to minimize the chances of their animals getting sick might be well received. It's far more profitable to sell healthy animals than to have to order new ones because the ones in the store have died.

Just try to approach things in a calm and friendly manner as JeffT suggested and see how things go. You might end up having a good relationship with the store management that way and have a good source of supplies and feeders. Once you get friendly with pet store managers you can often get them to order in feeders they don't usually stock, or brands of products you'd like to see them carry.

An open and honest discussion can be great for all parties.

Big AL
08-17-03, 02:07 AM
Well I will take the devils advocate approach here...First just calmly ask if they worry that their Beardies may get impacted being on sand and wouldnt paper towels be better??? But be prepared for them to answer that sand is a perfectly acceptable substrate for beardies and they have been using it for years with no problems. In fact most books and care sheets recommend play sand. Eyespy made a good point that if you become friendly with them you will have a better chance at changing their practices. Don't get defensive and make a big scene. Just calmly end the conversation and chalk it up to a first step. You now know where they stand. Every time you go in make friendly conversation and occasionally bring up that you still don't prefer the sand and give other options to them. For a store cage carpet or astroturf may be more pleasing to look at. It may take a while but you may change them......or you may not! Good Luck!!!

08-17-03, 11:39 AM
Ive found most pet stores are usually quite happy to hear your suggestions. (mostly private pet stores, not the big chains) because they can't afford to lose animals, they dont have mass amounts of money coming in and out, they're just getting by... If you know your stuff, tell them how to improve. Dont hold anything back.

08-18-03, 01:29 PM
What?? Be friendly and helpful?????? LOL! =) That is always the best way to go... sometimes what you see makes you angry, though, and you just have to bite your lip! Good Luck and keep us updated!

08-18-03, 01:50 PM
I went in and all the beardies were sold. I never said anything I'll wait untill the next time they get lizards in.