View Full Version : Hey Yal!

07-17-02, 04:04 PM
Hey everyone! I'm new here! Lemme tell yal about myself. I am a girl :) and I have two of my own snakes at home. Right now at my house I have five snakes. All ball pythons except one. That one is a boa. She's awesome! Anyways, the reason that I have five snakes in my house right now is because I am "snake-sitting" for my science teacher. I am watching the boa for him and two other ball pythons. Now, lemme tell ya all the snakes names. The boas name is tickles. She is about 5 to 6 feet long, I love her to pieces! I wish she was mine! Now, My Ball Python is the biggest Ball Python out of all of them. His name is Leo. He is over two feet long right now! I love him SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much! He is such a sweetie! Ok, another one of the Ball Pythons names is J.J., after me! My science teacher named her after me, it is his snake. Anyways, she is a real B****, excuse my french, but she is. She is about 20 inches or so. She just recently bit leo when I had them together, I was SOO upset! So I separated them and they broke up. *hee hee* Yet another one of the Ball Pytohns names is TeAmo. SHe is mine. I named her TeAmo because it means I love you in spanish. I call her Tia though. Anyways, she is about 12 inches or smaller, she is just a little sweetheart and a cutie! The last Ball Python is .....................Well, she doesn't have a name yet. She is also my science teachers. She is kind of shy, but she is a cutie! Well, I have writen quite a bit so I should stop now! C yal later! Buh Bye! J.J. PS, Let me know if the picture of leo shows up! Thanx, Bye!

07-17-02, 04:24 PM
Hey JJ!! Welcome to the community!! sounds like you have quiete the zoo going on there!!!! :) Enjoy the forums!

07-17-02, 04:55 PM
“Tickles” I like that name… Can I use it for one of my female ball pythons?

I also think you should tell your science teacher to name the other ball python CHARLES!

Kind of shy and a cutie! Yea… Sound like me! With out the female part of course… :grumps:


07-17-02, 05:19 PM
hiya J.J. and welcome to your new home!!!!

07-17-02, 05:51 PM
welcome aboard

07-17-02, 06:44 PM

07-17-02, 06:46 PM
Thank you all so so much for welcoming me! You all seem really nice! :D :) o> Oh. by the way Charles, I think that the new Ball Python with no name is a girl, so ummm......... Your name and all.................... it just......................wont work. Sorry! Hey, I know, change your name to a girl name, and then I can have him name it after you! J/K :p Also, yes you can name your Ball Python tickles! Well, I gotta jet! Buh Bye! Love your paleo, JJ

07-17-02, 06:57 PM

07-17-02, 07:05 PM

Big Mike
07-23-02, 03:28 PM
Welcome :Thumbsup:

07-23-02, 11:22 PM
Welcome to snake central.

07-23-02, 11:35 PM
resistance if futile!!! hehe welcome aboard!!

07-24-02, 12:04 AM
Ok, how about Charlie?.. Sounds like a cool girls name to me!

Welcome aboard J.J. :)

07-24-02, 12:40 AM