View Full Version : what can i keep w/a newt

07-17-02, 09:26 AM
i have a large california newt that i keep my 40g tank in my office and i have a few gouramis and some tetras (3 each) and i was wondering if anything else can be kept w/them,something big 7" max that won't attack the newt.is there anything like that?o>

07-17-02, 03:52 PM
at the pet store I worked at we kept firebelly toads with our newts in a really nice setup, but we only had firebelly newts, which are small. I don't imagine the toads would eat the newts, I might be worried about a 7" newt taking a bite out or a toad. Also, I'm almost certain that the toads eat crickets exclusively, which might be inconvenient.

07-17-02, 05:50 PM
i heard that the fire bellytoad has an excretment (toxic)that should stop it from being kept with anything else.
sorry its just something i rread on the web dont know if its true or not