View Full Version : burm food

reptile gueen
08-13-03, 04:51 AM
DO you think home raised pigens would be ok
for burms?
or any birds?
Thanks everyone

08-13-03, 08:11 AM

08-13-03, 08:42 AM
Stick with rodents. There's really no reason to go with birds.

08-13-03, 08:46 AM
I occasionally will feed a full sized chicken to one of my boas, stinky poo, but other than that no problem.

08-13-03, 01:59 PM
The fact that birds = messier poops and that they are no better nutrient-wise, I don't understand why peple feed their snakes birds. Seems like a big headache.

08-13-03, 02:40 PM
If feeding Birds, you might also need to give vitamin suppliments. Best stick with Rodents....

How much for a Capibara???

08-13-03, 03:04 PM
the why feed birds is easy, rabbit=$10 chicken=$3

08-24-03, 03:00 AM
Burms are mainly bird eaters in the wild, or am i wrong?
If so, i see no problem feeding pigeons.

08-24-03, 08:05 AM
Chickens can be fed, but like spyderman said supplements are needed. Ther is so much undigested tissue when feeding chickens. The muscle mass, bone mass++ and fat , feathers etc doesn't even out. Rats, rabbits, rodenst in general have more muscle,bone mass therefore better for your animal. As far as them eating birds in the wild, the animals today don't even know what dirt is. Trying to simulate their natural surrounding as far as food is a waste of time. And of course THE WORST SMELLING POO of all time.