View Full Version : Tegus

08-12-03, 01:41 PM
I'm thinking of getting a Tuga soon. Does anyone know if there will be any avalible at any of the Toronto Expos, and how much they go for? Also what would be the best species to get?


08-12-03, 03:23 PM
i have a argentine black and white tegu i got from the last show on july 6. I love him, hes a bit crazy but actaully yesterday for the first time i was holding him and he was totally calm. He was really nuts and would run around the cage and i couldnt pick him up. The first thing i would tell you is think about what your getting yourself into :) But if your gonna get a tegu DO NOT get a golden tegu if you want to be able to hold him. I have never heard of a docile golden tegu. From what i have heard the columbian black and white tegu is the most mellow and relaxed. Mine is a tiny baby so maybe thats why hes still really jumpy. They make great pets though :) On the box it said $160 for the tegu, but after a bit of hageling i got them down to 130 ;) They usually range from 140-200 depending on size and the seller. Good luck with your soon to be bought tegu and after the show send me some pics of him if you can. There are not many tegu owners on this site so its nice to see more people with them :)

08-12-03, 04:53 PM
Originally posted by Bartman
him and he was totally calm. He was really nuts and would run around the cage and i couldnt pick him up. The first thing i would tell you is think about what your getting yourself into :)

LOL... wish the ones I worked with were like that! The second you were even near their cage they were running and leaping trying to catch you! :eek:

But if your gonna get a tegu DO NOT get a golden tegu if you want to be able to hold him. I have never heard of a docile golden tegu. From what i have heard the columbian black and white tegu is the most mellow and relaxed. Mine is a tiny baby so maybe thats why hes still really jumpy. They make great pets though :)

Black and Whites are often quite grumpy. So are "Gold and White" (some people also mistake these for B&W). Most people say that the reds are the most docile of the tegus. I've only ever worked with one red and she wasn't a very calm girl, but thats not much to go on. For the most part, if you are buying a "pet", you want to stay away from the large lizards (iguanas, monitors, tegus), but if you are prepared for a large lizard that you can maintain in captivity go ahead ;)

I'm pretty sure PCPC had some at the last show. I can't remember what they went for though :confused:

08-12-03, 05:19 PM
-Thanks for the replies...

The first thing i would tell you is think about what your getting yourself into

For the most part, if you are buying a "pet", you want to stay away from the large lizards (iguanas, monitors, tegus),

Yeah, thats why I'm not sure yet, I was thinking about letting him go free range around my room(not house) and I've heard that they get very tame and are like an intelligent cat...

But since I'm unsure I think it would probly be safer to not get one..

Anyone else have any input?

Tim and Julie B
08-13-03, 01:30 PM
Hi! I have two Golden Tegus. There is absolutly nothing wrong with them they are just very unfriendly and quick to bite. Oh did I mention extremly fast! :D But I have so much fun with them. It is a great learning experiance before I get my monitors. I originally got them as rescues but they have totally grown on me. Generally B&W are mellow but there is always an exception to every rule. I think Tegus are a great species and I hope that you will choose to get one as we need more keepers and hopefully more breeders in Canada working with these great reptiles. TB

08-13-03, 07:14 PM
Yeah, I think I'm gonna get a Columbian B&W if I can find one, cause they only get 3-3.5 feet, and are supposed to be the most tame.
I also heard a story about how some one had and a B&W and let it roam the house and stuff..

Does anyone know how fast they grow??


Skink Keeper
08-16-03, 10:53 AM
Hi. A friend of mine has a columbian b&w and its been goin through growing spurts. But be careful when feed, try not to let him associate ur hand with food cause my friend made that mistake and his has become very aggresive. But they have an amazing appearance.

Good Luck

Tim and Julie B
08-16-03, 03:13 PM
Actually There was a B&W at the Calgary show that was easily 4 1/2 ft. Bigger actually then most Savs I have seen. So be prepared.

08-21-03, 07:25 PM
Does anyone know anything about the Blue Tegu??? I've heard that they are really small..and if you do can you point me in the direction of some info on them....