08-12-03, 01:12 AM
Hi, I'm Brock.
I'm 17, from Kamloops, BC. I keep a few herps as you can see in my signature +a leucistic Texas ratsnake that I'm getting in a few weeks My main love and interest is chameleons, if I could marry a chameleon I would. :D I can't wait till I get a job so I can afford some of the other species. Anyone who frequents the chat knows me, I've been around there for about a year or more, but am pretty new to the forums. Nice busy place you have here, I never realized how many hits this site got until right now. Anyways, now everyone knows who I am, or at least the people who read this post.
I'm 17, from Kamloops, BC. I keep a few herps as you can see in my signature +a leucistic Texas ratsnake that I'm getting in a few weeks My main love and interest is chameleons, if I could marry a chameleon I would. :D I can't wait till I get a job so I can afford some of the other species. Anyone who frequents the chat knows me, I've been around there for about a year or more, but am pretty new to the forums. Nice busy place you have here, I never realized how many hits this site got until right now. Anyways, now everyone knows who I am, or at least the people who read this post.