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08-11-03, 10:22 AM
Has anyone ever noticed that, no matter how quick you think you answer to new posts, You are ALWAYS in the queue...Just under INVICTUS! How does that man do it? Has he got an automated post answering system, some sort of radar, or an army of elves working for him in their off season (moonlighting from Santa's grotto) I have one ambition in life now...To get to answer a thread ABOVE invictus...Lol.

In Fact I bet anything you like, he's gonna reply next...Lol.

No offence, Invictus. Just an observation. ;)

Colonel SB
08-11-03, 11:19 AM
Hahahahaha it's easy if you never leave you computer :p

08-11-03, 02:00 PM
If you start the thread you're there before invictus.

08-11-03, 02:07 PM
Lol, Lisa. Why do you think I started this one...I've realised my ambition in life...Lol. Seriously, I think Invictus is gr8. He's just NOT answering this thread to prove me wrong.

08-11-03, 05:43 PM
HAHAHA... don't you hate it when I do things like that just to mess with ya?

LOL... thanks, I think... As for how I do it, well.. when you have a job that you don't give a flying f**k about anymore, you end up with at least 8 hours a day to kill... today was different though. I was genuinely busy today. :)

08-11-03, 05:46 PM
haha...i'm right after him!

Jungle Jen
08-11-03, 05:50 PM
HEY I work a job like that too!

08-11-03, 09:44 PM
Invictus will soon be marrying his computer at this rate. :p

08-12-03, 09:16 AM
RedDragon, my computer and I have been together longer than you and I have. Don't make me choose. You can't win this one.


08-12-03, 04:16 PM
hahaha.... that's a good one. lucky you put the smiley face down there invictus! Smiley faces make it alllll better! CHEERS,

08-12-03, 04:46 PM
Hahahahaha yeah I agree with Mike, smiley faces make it rock :D hehehe. Good one Invictus!

08-12-03, 05:59 PM
I'm glad you all found it entertaining. Good thing I find my couch to be rather comfortable. :D

08-12-03, 06:59 PM
hahhahahaha....ya gotta love those "couch nights". damn. that's why I invested in a very comfortable one to begin with! haha. those are the nights you just stay up and watch WWE, infomercials or cheesy sit-coms from the 80's. or porn. haha. cheers, and good luck on the couch.

08-13-03, 02:59 PM
Sheesh....when you are looking for an answer that Invictus may have.....you wait.....& wait.....& wait.....!!!!! Invictus when you wake up at work there I could use some advice on your beloved kenyans & rosies !!!!! Or; wait : does being on the couch also mean no pc ???!!!!!!

08-13-03, 03:14 PM
I'm off to the Erycines forum right now! ;)

08-13-03, 03:36 PM
hEY, iNVICTUS. i ONLY <DAMN CAPS LOCK. I only meant this as a bit of observational fun, I didn't mean it to nearly ruin your relationship with reddragon. :( You can always come back to the P.C. A good woman isn't so easy to find & keep. ;)

08-13-03, 04:24 PM
Oh, I know... but what good is being in a relationship if you can't engage in some friendly joshing of each other? :)

08-13-03, 08:35 PM
Originally posted by Invictus
RedDragon, my computer and I have been together longer than you and I have. Don't make me choose. You can't win this one.


You're so lucky that I love you. ;)