View Full Version : feeding scheduals

08-08-03, 11:56 PM
Hey, just wondering what ppl's feeding scheduals are like for thier cresteds just to get an idea. I know what the caresheets say, just wanna know what each of you do
so do like a one week schedual and say what food you give them, on what days :)

08-09-03, 12:19 AM
Every other day I dump in a few crickets, usually about 5-10. I dust the crickets every other feeding or so.

I feed mealies often as a treat, once a week or so.

Once a week, or if a gecko isn't eating for some reason, I'll feed babyfood, sometimes mixed with some calcium dust.

08-09-03, 12:24 AM
so, you do cricks every other day...then are the times you feed mealies and baby food on days you DON'T feed cricks or are they in substitute of the cricks on one of the days you would feed them.

08-09-03, 12:27 AM
Every other day, usually, as long as they're all being eaten :)

Mealies and babyfood are usually on a feeding day, instead of crickets.

08-09-03, 11:49 AM
I usually just use crix now, each day i give each cresty 5 crix. Im still going to convert them to CGD within 2-3 weeks (I hope) :D
