View Full Version : Hi. Learning boas. Will possibly own one in the future.

08-08-03, 09:13 PM
Hi I'm just reading and learning and trying to figure out what my first boa should be. I want to one day have a bcc red tail boa. Any info or places to find it would be wonderful :D

08-08-03, 09:24 PM
if this is your first snake you might want to hold off on a bcc or bci (but it realy depends of your comitment level) some people arent quite ready but some really do good reserch and are willing to go the extra mile for snakes. but a good first boa would probly be a kenyan sand boa or a roasy boa. i am more of a python guy myself so you might wanna lisen to someone else lol :D

08-08-03, 09:25 PM
Yes I'm studying up for far in the future when I graduate college. I'm still having trouble with my ball python! I just want to make sure I know what I need to know when the time comes.

08-08-03, 11:46 PM
Colombian BCI can be good starter boas as long as you are prepared for the size they may attain. 6-8 feet is average, though its not common, but some females may exceed that. Hog Isle BCI can also be good choices and stay smaller (4-6+ feet), as well as Central Americans (usually around the same size as Hogs depending on locality, some may get slightly larger). These all are typically good feeders and very hardy and forgiving.

Sandboas and Rosy boas are awesome starter boids, but they don't do much in the preparation for a BCC. They are small and easy to keep provided they are kept dry.

Colombian Rainbow boas are good as long as you can keep the humidity up.

Dumerils boas can also be good, again if you are prepared for the size. Just make sure they are feeding well, as they can be stubborn feeders.

For more specific info on BCC, BCI, or any other Boa Constrictor subspecies, check out the Boa Constrictor Forum ;)