View Full Version : Tadpole update!

08-08-03, 09:13 AM
Well things have been going great so far. We are one week since the eggs have been laid and the tadpoles are big enough now so that you can see there little mouthes!

The are developing faster than I expected but from what I have read that is due to the fact that the water is slightly warmer for them but still in a decent range of around 72 degrees C.

I would love to count them and tell you all how many we have but there are WAAAAY to many for me to keep track of.

Just thought I would keep you guys up to date.


PS. We are going to try and get some pics of them posted either tonight or tomorrow sometime.

08-08-03, 02:35 PM
Can't wait for the pics !!

Jungle Jen
08-08-03, 02:38 PM
Sounds exciting, I wil keep my eyes open for your pictures.