View Full Version : 2 year old burm 630 grams is this normal?

08-08-03, 07:10 AM
He!! no it aint normal! People really p!$$ me off.

I have been taking in reptiles that needed special attention for years but this one is sickening. I got a call last night to pick up a snake, the people who dropped it off said it was 2 years old they had it since a baby and for somereason he was dieing. Starvation maybe! The little guy was dead this morning. I ran an I.V. on him last night but he was to far dehydrated. This is the reason I did not breed for years, and may be the reason I never breed again after this season is over. I am at a loss for words, but the thought of breeding a reptile and me being part of bringing it to this world and then later you find them like this is more than I can take.:(

08-08-03, 08:25 AM
What is it about people starving Burms!!!! Everyone wants one for their half a$$ reptile road show but no one wants them big so they keep em cold and hungry. They get to say that this snake will some day be big and that's cool right! Makes me want to puke! I saw one once in one of these shows that was 4yrs old and about half the size of a red tail.

08-08-03, 10:03 AM
damn man that is sad.
it makes me want to find the people that do this to snakes and kick the piss out of them.

08-08-03, 10:08 AM
what a bitc% i am so sorry i know what thats like
I am so sorry
I don't know what else to say?

08-08-03, 03:34 PM
OMG that's discusting! Poor burm!!! I feel so terrible! I hate people... I really do. They just piss me off so much. I can't even talk anymore. This is way too sad for words...

08-08-03, 03:56 PM
That loose, wrinkly skin just makes my heart break. I'm sad to hear that there is another breeder getting out of the business, but when I see pics like this, I can't say I blame you.

08-08-03, 03:58 PM
Things like this really piss me off. If you get the chance smack the idot upside the head for me.

Jungle Jen
08-08-03, 04:22 PM
I too take in abandoned/unwanted animals, and it truely is sickening. I don't blame you for not wanting to breed anymore, and I am sorry you had to deal with that. Some people have no respect for other living things and should be banned from owning any.
I am also in the veterinary industry, and everyday it never fails to disgust me how ignorant people are.
We need to take it upon ourselves to educate the ignorant, in order to hopefully save many other creatures from suffering such a dispicable demise.

08-08-03, 11:13 PM
GOD DAMN! what the hell is wrong with people?! any one I MEAN ANYONE is able to tell that a snake that looked like that needed medical attention. and i feel even worse for the snake! how could you starve a snake SOOO much that it would die? i mean come on people need to take the responsibility of provideing good care for there pets. my mom alwas asks me why i constently clean out my snake cages and never my room? because the snakes cant clean it themself! people have to relize that when you buy an anamal and put it in a confined area it cant hunt right? DUH! so you have to... i am just going to stop i could fill in 10 paragraphs about this

08-09-03, 12:01 PM
It’s hard to believe someone in our hometown could be so ignorant to the snake they keep. I know that Brian nor Valerie would sell someone a snake and not give them better instructions on how to care for it. It’s a shame you didn’t get him sooner. I picked up 8 snakes from our buddy in Huntsville Monday. 7 pigmy rattlers and 1 eastern diamond back. The EDB is fresh from the wild and looks to be in great shape, thick and alert. The pigs are not in such great shape. In fact, one of them looks like he may have been bitten by another. (He had all 7 together) I will be over at the shop today at 530pm. If you are free, swing by. I would like to get your opinion on these little guys. I am definitely not optimistic for the one. He has a spot of necrosis about the size of a dime on his side. =(

08-09-03, 02:38 PM
That is absolutely sick! How people can do that to ANY anmial is beyond me!!! I've been thinking about getting into the rescue of snakes......but seeing that I may not be able to....it's so sad, and sickening!

08-10-03, 09:59 AM
I just lost a baby girl bp to malnutrition and dehydration. She was sold to me that way and since I was a first time snake owner did not realize that she was sick. She ate once and then again 5 days later and it killed her. Not only are they coming back to some breeder this way, they are going out to potential owners. It's heartbreaking and makes me feel helpless. This needs to be done to the people that do it to the snakes.

08-10-03, 04:20 PM
That makes me so sick that someone would neglect such a beautiful snake! I'm saddened and infuriated by such ignorance. :mad: I'm really sorry about your loss. :(

08-11-03, 08:54 PM
Thanks everyone, I do tend to get emotional about reptiles when they end up this way. If people do not want them then why do they not find them a home? I never know who the people are that bring them in, I am just the guy that takes them in. I believe it is better that way, besides the tabloids would read "snake breeder beats the hell out of reptile owner for trying to get help for his sick snake"

I have been taking in reptiles for over 7 years, kind of my way of giving back to the reptiles that bring such joy to me. I would recomend anyone that has the money and the means to do so. It is expensive, more money than any designer Boa or Python but the rewards are well worth it, not to mention the knowlege you learn along the way, but seeing one die never gets any easier.

08-12-03, 07:16 AM
Just out of curiosity, about what percenteage of the rescues you get in are Burms?

Most of the ones I get in are with the odd red tail here and there. Of course there are exceptions. A friend had some unusual rescues come in last year (A carpet Python and 2 emerald tree boas if memory serves).

08-12-03, 08:38 AM
wow, heartbreaking story. unfortunately there is a need for people like you to take in these undertreated animals. that's just too bad. congrats on all your hard work though...have to remain positive even at a time like this. just a suggestion, stay in the business and just sell to people you know well, or that can prove they know their ****? anyway, good luck,

08-12-03, 08:56 AM
B.W. I would have to say Burms come in quite frequently, Red tails would be second, and colubrids are very rare other than the usual road fodder. There is really no set number and some years are worse than others. Economy I believe plays a large role in it.

I really do not like the term rescues, because usually by the time people decide to get rid of them they are beyond saving.

Thanks Mike, I am not going anywhere.

08-12-03, 10:34 AM
That is some sorry *****. It just pisses me off to see any animal starve. I bet the fat *** who owned it didn't miss a meal. Pop that M.F. in the teeth for me, will ya!
Sorry for the language, but this just tweaks my mellon.

08-13-03, 11:55 AM
oh gosh...this is why I hate it when I overhear people who don't want their burm to hit 10feet until it is four or five years old. :mad: