View Full Version : What worms do your cresties like

08-07-03, 08:31 PM
Hey, im gonna be feeding my crested (get it in a few weeks) the CGD and sometimes baby food and fruits, but i plan on giving him some worms or cricks every now and then.
So what type of worms do you cresteds like and what is good for them.
Also, if people could post pics of some of the ones they mention, cause i have no clue what any of the ones ive heard about are, other than mealworms, no need to post pics of them..oh ya, i saw a pic of a silk worm too so..

08-07-03, 08:40 PM
I have mealworms as the main and fruity baby food about 3 times a week, depends.

08-07-03, 08:41 PM
I just use crix, isnt mealworms a bit hard on the digestive system?


08-07-03, 08:47 PM
i dont know..but some of the other worms are soft, i just dont know if cresties like em

08-07-03, 11:14 PM
Don't feed wax worms as a staple. They are VERY fattening. They're fine for a treat but not all the time. I don't know if mealworms are hard on Cresties or not?? Mine love them, and will eat them over crickets (which is good because we don't always have crickets here)

08-08-03, 03:01 AM
I use crickets and baby food as the main and mealworms once a week. I tried feeding them silkworms once but both of them wouldn't take it.

08-08-03, 12:53 PM
I use crickets and baby food also and my cresties like silkworms

08-08-03, 08:04 PM
I know that my baby cresteds have only taken to crickets, but my adults will eat butterworms(which are high in calcuim) and waxworms and of course crickets. Depending on what the babies your getting where raised on they may not take to the cgd or baby food till there a little older. But if you want to try you can also use fruit flavored tofu (meduim) mixed in the cgd. I know my adults love it when there not eating insects.

08-08-03, 08:27 PM
if he doesnt go on the CGD right away, i would mix it with some baby food and then mix less and less baby food in each time..you cant do that for too long because then they dont get the right nutrients from the CGD that they should. so the less time you mix the better

Wuntu Menny
08-08-03, 08:37 PM
Mine won't touch worms/larvae of any kind. They don't seem to care for them. Sometimes they're in the mood for mash, sometimes crickets, I usually give them the option. One of my most recent hatchlings wouldn't eat anything but crickets. CGD is one thing they never have to worry about being offered in our house.


08-08-03, 09:25 PM
i decided to give the CGD a try because you dont have to worry about supplimenting the diet and stuff, plus my mom doesnt want be keeping crickets so i couldnt use them as a staple diet with baby food. SO my plan is to use mostly the CGD, maybe baby food once a week cause its nice and sweet, then one or twice a month, get some crickets or worms for some live food and hunting.

I realize that at first i might have to feed on baby food and crickets until he goes on the diet. If thats the case, i will use baby food, and will have to buy some calcuim and stuff, and then crickets once or twice a week.

08-08-03, 09:26 PM
how much would you say it cost you all to feed one gecko, for one week, on your baby food/live feed diets?. or another period of time, if its easier to describe, just specify

08-08-03, 09:57 PM
how long do meal worms live and how would you keep em. can you do the fridge thing with them? i was thinking of getting 50 from port credit pets, i have a little thing i could keep them in, can they be crowded? how much room would you need for 50 or 100?
but not as a staple food, just every now and then. so they wouldnt get used up very fast

08-08-03, 10:23 PM
You can keep them in the fridge, they will become lethargic and their metabolism/growth will slow down. They don't need TONS of room....I have about 80-100 in about an inch of substrate in a tiny Kritter Keeper.

My crestie likes mealies, and it's fun to watch them eat. I find I have better success with the freshly molted ones for some reason :)

I tried a silk worm tonight, she seemed interested (pupils dilated, it moved toward it) but I think the worm was a little too big.

08-08-03, 10:38 PM
hey, thanks..i have a small keeper..the clears kinda oval ones with the blue clear lid..i think i will buy the 100 mealies for $2 from port credit and fed them a few every now and then.
how long do they live though?

where you been lately, been like a week since you posted

08-08-03, 11:29 PM
:D the mealies should last a long time, and you could even try and breed them if they pupate on you :) it's easy.

lol I was visiting my bf, he got me a new baby crestie for my birthday, I'll post pics soon :D

08-08-03, 11:50 PM
ok, cool. my mom shouldnt have a problem with them, not like they are fast like crickets if they do get out somehow..

awesome a new crestie..there you go and get another one b4 i can even get my first lol..what morph is it?

08-09-03, 12:11 AM
Yah, lol I highly doubt you'd have a prob with them escaping :)

It's a red phase :) really flighty but adorable, temp sexed for female :D

08-09-03, 05:56 PM
Congrats PuNkuPoNAsTAR on your new Cresty, post pics soon :D
