View Full Version : Hey guys...

08-07-03, 05:51 PM
Hey people!
Nice forums you've got going here!
I heard my name came up in regards to IJ Carpets so I figured I'd pop in. We have some neat stuff to try to breed in the next few years but when I try to post pics of them here, the pic never shows up in the preview. Am I doing something wrong?
Or does the ************** photo host have some sort of block on this site?
Help me out and I'll show you some neat IJs!!!
SPITFIRE REPTILES (http://www.spitfirereptiles.com)

08-07-03, 05:56 PM
Yes that's right. If you have photos hosted at kingsnake you cannot post them here since anything with ************** just shows up as those little dots you are seeing in my message now! :D

So the photos wont work unless they are hosted somewhere else :( I have seen your photos on kingsnake and we are missing out here big time!!!


Colonel SB
08-07-03, 06:10 PM
WElcome I love your IJ's they are killer :)

08-07-03, 06:16 PM
Hey Yasser, the only time your name comes up is when we talk about the most beautiful IJ's available. :)

Why cant you hurry up and breed some more of those guys already!!!

08-07-03, 06:57 PM
Thanks guys!
I am going to try something here so bear with me...

08-07-03, 06:58 PM
SO what's with the photo upload option on here? How does that work?

Colonel SB
08-07-03, 07:02 PM
It's the same as QS just better cuz it's here :)

08-07-03, 07:04 PM
Just go to the top of the screen and click on Gallery. Then click on upload photos. The process is very similar to Kingsnake. There are also directions posted in a thread called how to use the forums.

Good luck

08-07-03, 08:42 PM
You have some KILLER looking IJ's -- man I wish you lived in Canada! LOL....