View Full Version : Young Female Veiled Eating Mealies?

08-07-03, 01:23 PM
Hi, some of you might know that I have a young female veiled (bout a month). Anyway I moved her into a 65 gallon reptarium. It's a little big for her but she loves the room!

Since it's a little big I have feeder dishes... one for crickets (that awesome feeder dish made out of a milk jug) and one for mealies (there were only a few left so I kept them in that small white plastic countainer they come in from the petstore). She seems to eat more crickets than mealies. But today I went upstairs and counted 8 mealies instead of 10. Is it safe to assume that she ate one or 2? I thought about them turning into beetles but I checked the friggin thing twice a day. The reason I ask is because I know it's rare for young veileds to eat out of a feeder... even the milk jug one is a stretch.


08-07-03, 04:15 PM
Hey J-man! :D

As you've probably discovered, most baby Veileds (except for Duke, of course) are eating machines. So it wouldn't surprise me that she ate a few of those mealies. Be careful with overfeeding the meal worms though, sometimes I have found the babies can't seem to digest the chitin as well as an adult can, you use them sparingly until she is a bit older. A couple or three a day is more than fine for her, but don't let her pig out on them.

Have you thought of a name for her yet?



08-07-03, 07:05 PM
Yeah I had heard that mealies weren't good for youngins... actually I heard they weren't good for any age. They were in there sort of as secondary food source... but apparently that's not how she sees them because I filled it back up to 10 so it's easy to count and a couple hours later there are 3 missing. So it looks like I'm gonna have to keep 3 - 5 in there instead of 10. Yes she is certainly a pig! I remember the first day I got her I brought her home and she ate at least 15 fruit flies! it was just one after the other after the other.

As for a name... Clover

08-07-03, 07:30 PM
Don't ask about the name.... I let my girlfriend decide and our anniversary is St. Patrick's Day....