View Full Version : Public Aghast as Kittens Fed Alive to Snakes
NORWAY: August 7, 2003
OSLO - Norwegian kittens are in mortal danger from pet snakes for whom a rat just doesn't seem filling enough.
A reptile expert said yesterday that cat owners, who hoped kittens they had to give away would go to a good home, were outraged to find that some were ending up as dinner for pythons and other snakes kept illegally as pets.
"Some people get a kick out of seeing a kitten being eaten alive by a snake," biologist Kees Ekeli, director of the Bergen Aquarium in western Norway, told Reuters. "It's cheap and it's a good size for a medium-sized snake."
"It's heart-breaking for the people who have feelings for their kittens."
Sometimes, advertisements offering kittens in local papers stipulate: "Not for snake food."
It is illegal in Norway to keep snakes as pets and to use live animals as feed. A nine-foot-long snake usually eats a big rat about every three days.
Ekeli said owners of snakes, mostly pythons, frequently call a reptile center he runs for advice on how to look after pets who seem only to want fresh kitten for dinner.
"We advise snake owners to train their pets to eat dead mice or rats," he said - typically by heating up the rat or the mouse in a microwave and shaking it to make it look alive.
As disgusting as this may seem for people who like cats, I was allways wondering if people did use cats to feed large snake..
I thought of that while looking up classified.. so many people are GIVING up their cats it was obvious some herpers would jump on the free food source.
I'm not saying I am for or against by the way.
But now I have my answer.. thanks STKKTS.
Colonel SB
08-07-03, 12:08 PM
I'm not touching that with a 20 ft pole.
08-07-03, 12:15 PM
Wow.. talk about a loaded story....
Their snake expert appears to not know very much about snakes and feeding to me.
typically by heating up the rat or the mouse in a microwave
Can we say POP!
Can we say cooked?
Can we say hot spots and icy spots?
Looks like another story to instill hate in herpers even more so by speaking of cute fuzzy kittens and their demise at the hands of evil men and their evil pets.
I know of people that do that, they think its funny. Personally I find it rather distasteful and dishonest. The cats are being given away in good faith as pets. I feel the same about the rats that we breed, we breed some as pets and some as snake food. The pets get socialised and better treats then the ones going for food, thus we expect them to go for pets.
I think its just ******** to feed a live cat to a snake. We have all seen what live mice and rats can do. Imagine what a live cat could do.
Im not against other people feeding it to a snake, I am sure it happens in the wild. But I dont have the heart to kill it myself. ugh....
I cant type ********? thats ********! :D
I feel like cartman in the southpark movie.
08-07-03, 12:22 PM
I think it's absolutely horrible!!!!! This is why it upsets me so much to see ppl looking for homes for cats and dogs, saying "free to a good home." Those animals aren't going to go to a good home.
Ppl who keep snakes just for the thrill of seeing a live kill disgust me. No matter what the prey.
But kittens? NOT COOL!!!!!!
Well I don't know how I feel about this. For one, I feel this sort of thing is ruining herping for the rest of us. For two its not needed as rats and mice and rabbits are available everywhere.
but the fact that its kittens doesn't really bother me. Maybe one day people will stop letting their cats mate and have litters which have litters and then they can stop complaining about "good homes" because frankly most people who have misc litters of kittens are not the best home in the first place. Owning unspayed cats in this day and age is way irresponsible.
But this whole feeding live, etc thing is really bad press thanks to some yokels who think its fun to watch .
I don't think the article implied that snake owners are feeding their snakes live kittens just for the thrill of it. If you think about it, doing this could benefit many animals in many ways; cats will not be at an excess population, snakes are fed, and irresponsible cat owners will be 'relived' of their burdens. Yes, I'm being sarcastic.
For the people who do this, there is probably not that much of a difference to them whether they feed their snake a free kitten or an expensive rat... the goal is to feed the snake. It's cruel enough to feed a live rat or mouse to a snake, let alone a live kitten. Personally, my boyfriend has made many jokes about getting free kitties and puppies to feed Bandula when we were having hard times, but we would never really do it.
I think as reptile lovers we should be constantly trying to show the public that our choice in companion animals isn't bad. We want others to support us, not create bans and cause trouble. I agree with Marisa all the way.
08-07-03, 01:03 PM
SICK! Is all I can say. I know a snake has to eat, but NOT cats sold as pets. There's plenty of food for snakes, it's not at all expensive, so what's the point.
feeding cats to snakes that is sick you must be a ****** to do something like that.the person who feeds there snakes cats the owner should be fed to bob clarks fluffy retic.
I understand you guys thinking cat sold for PETS being fed off is cruel but IMHO its foolish to feel ANY cat feeding is cruel. The only reason it is seen as cruel is because cats are pets.
But nowadays people have allowed their wonderful cats to overpopulate this entire continent. They wreck havoc on wildlife, the breed like mice, and most cat owners are NOT responsible for their cats. They don't get them spayed, they don't keep them in if they aren't fixed and their cute little cat has a litter which in turn will become more unspayed cat makers and then again and again. Frankly I'd say probably 50% of those kittens don't even make it because they are either given to someone who doesnt' take care of them or they are put down at the S.P.C.A
I feel if they were going to say round up 1000 stray kittens from a large city and donate them to a large snake rescue, there should be no problem with that.
But then again mice and rats are readily available.
08-07-03, 01:20 PM
Yes, that's the point, various kinds of rodents are bred for this purpose.
Not cats, not dogs, no way!
I volunteer at the humane society. I look in those faces every day. Believe me, we have let them down enough already.
08-07-03, 01:25 PM
But at least the cat would have a purpose in life! I also don't see the real difference between feeding a pet to be or the sad little kitten you find a the cat pound place, I'm not against it but I'm not for it either.
I dont understand the logic. You are saying its ok to breed a rat for food, but not a cat. To be honest, both have an equal right to life, regardless of the purposed of its breeding. The only reason you dont think cats should be fed to snakes, is because society has taught you to think that this should be a domesticated animal, and should not be used as food. I bet in indonesia, china, and other pacific islands where it is common place to eat both cat and dog, they would have no problem feeding a kitten to a snake.
dont blame the snake for eating the cat
dont blame the owner for feeding the cat to the snake
blame society for brainwashing you into justifying the death of an animal because its not cute and cuddly. Kill the ugly eh?
Im not saying I would do it myself. But I find it hard to believe that cuter things havent been eaten in the wild.
red bootz
08-07-03, 01:44 PM
More snake owners complaining about killing...What's the difference between feeding a rat, a cat, a dog, etc? In the end its dead, its protein, and its snake food. I like how some people feel that some animals are entitled to live while others are just meant to die.
Well saidREDBOOTZ.. a living thing is a living thing.
And you know what ? That's why I give more tip($) to ugly waitresses than to cute ones... Cute, blond and plump waitresses gets more money and have it easier than other.
It's also the reason I love reptiles, they have a bad rep and people don't like them.
Everyone/thing should be treated equaly !
08-07-03, 01:51 PM
I have to agree with the people who are saying what is the difference between feeding a cat, dog, or rat? I have a pet rat and he is the best pet I've ever had. He's affectionate, smart, and a cuddle buddy. I love him more than anything, he's my best friend. Yes, I also keep snakes and feed them rats. It's hard, but that's life. Something has got to die for something else to live, right? Seeing a rat, cat, dog, anything, being fed to a snake breaks my heart. Seeing people eat cows breaks my heart. But that is the circle of life.
08-07-03, 02:04 PM
Nope, not kill the ugly. I love mice and rats as pets, too.
And dogs don't even compare enough to enter this discussion. Dogs are people! They just happen to wear fur. Actually, I shouldn't say that dogs are people. That would be insulting dogs.
08-07-03, 02:06 PM
In my opinion, these cats are being given away as pets not as food. Why would someone feed a cat to a snake anyway, why not stick with rats and rabbits?
08-07-03, 02:07 PM
very interesting thread we have here. though it IS true that we are taught to see cats, and in this case kittens, as pets and not food, you have missed the point in my opinion. The ad was talking about giving the kittens to a home... it is assumed that it is for a pet. If I were to give a kitten away I would plenty pissed to find it fed to a snake.
Marisa, cats do not breed like rats or mice, so I disagree with you there. Usually, cats breeding is seasonal. in addition, cats are pregnant much longer, while rats have shorter pregnancies, which allows more breeding per year. and for me, although stray cats are a nuisance, i'd rather some stray cats then a rat/mouse infestation!
anyway, interesting thread... good job! haha...
It's not that it's cats that is at the heart of the matter here, it's the intended destination. You can bet that the people picking up the free kittens AREN'T telling the people they plan on feeding it to a snake. If they did they probably wouldn't get the cat.
08-07-03, 02:15 PM
yeah, you're right... people. a bunch of scammers! haha...
One point, one question, and one opinion.
Point-Cat breeding is not seasonal, they go for any time the female is in heat, which can be any time of the year.
Question- Would the nutritional value be the same cat to rodent I wonder?;)
Opinion- It comes done to a matter of honesty (read in here "honor") If you bought it as a pet and then used as food, not very honest.:( I personally think that if cats and dogs are a good food source for snakes than why not, it's better than just 'putting them down' and filling up the land fills with dead bodies.
08-07-03, 02:45 PM
batdad... you are tech. right that cats can an anytime, but in the wild they spring is by far the most common time they reproduce. esp. as weahter gets cooler, they aren't as intrested in reproduction as earlier in the year. so tech. you are right, but rats can, and DO reproduce all the time. as for your question, that's interesting... I would think a cat would have much more nutritional value, but would be high in fat content that might not be so good. I don't know, I may be wrong about that. I agree with you about your opinion's just a moral issue.
anyway, good post!
08-07-03, 02:47 PM
How many kittens did the person take, if it was more than two the owner should of had some idea they wasn't just pets!
lordkovacs how is cat breeding seasonal? Where are you living? Here in our town we actually have a fairly bad problem with strays and guess what, kittens almost year round can be found in barns, buildings, under decks, etc Also, our friends cat got pregnant twice in a year. And almost all my female cats have gone into heat once per three months.
Here are some figures which can be found anywhere on the internet:
Two uncontrolled breeding cats create two litters per year at a survival rate of 2.8 kittens per litter. With continued breeding, they create:
Year 1 = 12 cats
Year 2 = 66 cats
Year 3 = 2,201 cats
Year 4 = 3,822 cats
Year 5 = 12,680 cats
Year 10 = 80,399,780 cats
Now maybe thats not as fast as mice but forgive me if I am wrong, there are NOT 80,399,780 people willing to provide a proper enviroment for a cat out there which includes spaying. And this is just off 12 cats. Not the worlds population that is already out there. I just don't see how feeding a cat is any worse than a mouse, or a rat. I DO see how feeding a cat that was intended to be a pet would be upsetting but in the long run I think its doing the world a favor. Its sad but true.
The owner of the kittens have the right to give the animals to a person they will feel give it the best home. To be decietful in your intent is wrong. If you want that kitten for food, you should be upfront and say that.
On the other hand, what if you give your kittens away to the pound thinking a good home will be found. After a few weeks pass, the pound still has not found any good homes and decides to put the animals down. They have the option to gas it, or to give it to a reptile owner for food. Whats do you think of this? the origional owner thought they would be given a good home. In the end, is dead, dead? Or is there a certain dishoner in death by contriction that you wouldnt want your animal to suffer?
08-07-03, 03:11 PM
Originally posted by Batdad
One point, one question, and one opinion.
Point-Cat breeding is not seasonal, they go for any time the female is in heat, which can be any time of the year.
Question- Would the nutritional value be the same cat to rodent I wonder?;)
Opinion- It comes done to a matter of honesty (read in here "honor") If you bought it as a pet and then used as food, not very honest.:( I personally think that if cats and dogs are a good food source for snakes than why not, it's better than just 'putting them down' and filling up the land fills with dead bodies.
better than just putting them down and filling up the land fills with dead bodies?
Are u serious? That's crazy! Apparently I belong to the wrong site. I love reptiles. But maybe I belong in the dog and cat forums. As I said before, dogs deserve more respect than that. You will never find a more loyal, honest, and unconditionally loving creature (and that includes humans) than a dog. We owe them more than that kind of attitude.
red bootz
08-07-03, 03:25 PM
Why do we "owe" a dog any more than we "owe" a rat or a fluffy little rabbit. They are all living things. Its the mice and rats that pay the ultimate pricce for this little hobby of ours by giving up their lives by the millions.
08-07-03, 03:33 PM
I'm Swiss on this one. On the one hand, I love cats. I'm violently allergic to them, but nonetheless, I LOVE the little critters. I would NEVER, in a million years, feed a cat to a snake.
On the other hand, I know people who would cry hysterically if they saw me feed a rabbit to my BCI. I know people who would do the same over a rat. So on the other hand, the bottom line is, what us a pet to one is snake food to another.
And another point (I only have two hands, so now I have to just make other points) is the fact that we euthanize litterally millions of animals every year. Doesn't that seem like a waste?
So if it's simply a moral question as to whether or not to feed a cat to a snake, we're being hypocrites here - why a rabbit, not a cat? Rabbits are beautiful pets too!
As for the moral question about whether to feed animals being sold/given as pets, well.. I think that is dishonorable and mean. But then again, if you are selling/giving someone an animal, that becomes their animal, and you have no say.
The moral is, as Bob Barker says, "HAVE YOUR PET SPAYED OR NEUTERED" :)
dogs deserve more respect than that. You will never find a more loyal, honest, and unconditionally loving creature (and that includes humans) than a dog. We owe them more than that kind of attitude.
society's words coming through your mouth. If you were born and rasied in china you would have a completely different out look. who is to say any one creature on this planet deserves special treatment over another animal? The only argument you can logically make is "no animal should be fed to a snake. No animal should be kept as pets. All feeding should be left up to mother nature" You cant defend a dog or cat and not a mouse or rat. Its hypocritical. Dont let society tell you what to think.
08-07-03, 03:37 PM
08-07-03, 04:08 PM
Well well well ... feeeding a cat to my burmese . I actually thought of that once . Dont think I would do it but hey see it from the eyes of the snake here . He doesnt give a sh.. what food he eats ( sometimes yes but thats another story :) ) . So much cats are kill every years because we cant find a home for them but still a lot of people breeding them so they can have little kittens at home but once they grow they try to give them away they cant find anyone , they donate it to pet stores who cant sell them in a lot of case before they start to cost them too much so they send them to S.P.C.A . And under less than a week they are down by the thousand . Makes me sad that all these lill kitten didnt had a chance to have a good life . I love cats I really do love them and this makes me sad . But if they are to be killed than please give them a reason to die . Feeding a snake with a cat that would die anyway ... . As for taking pet cats from someone else without telling them its for a snake it is kinda sad . I would be so pissed to know that , maybe I could have found a very good home for him . So one solution ... S.P.C.A. should give away cats that are to be killed , they are gonna die anyway at least if its for feeding another life that someone love i agree and i would probably do it my self ( not live cat but if the cat were put down and gaved away after ) . I know a lots of those cats goes to vet school and at least serv a purpose in their deaths but as for the rest ....
i dont have time to review my post but thats how i feel
08-07-03, 04:09 PM
wow i cant belive this thread. LOL cats are by far my most fav. animal (even though i don't have any). But if i had to i would feed a kitten to a snake f/t of course. My brother used to have 2 albino rats for pets and i love them. But yet i feed mice and if need be i would feed rats to my snakes. i look at it as food. Just like is it bad because i keep reptiles and if i had a snake that only ate other snakes or lizards??? No because some people see it as food for the other animal to survive. Now we don't have to feed kittens to snakes, but if it came down to yes i would. I think it's just a big moral issue for most people, cause most people grew up with cats as pets. again remember this is coming from a cat lover!!!
08-07-03, 04:15 PM
Originally posted by stkkts
society's words coming through your mouth. If you were born and rasied in china you would have a completely different out look. who is to say any one creature on this planet deserves special treatment over another animal? The only argument you can logically make is "no animal should be fed to a snake. No animal should be kept as pets. All feeding should be left up to mother nature" You cant defend a dog or cat and not a mouse or rat. Its hypocritical. Dont let society tell you what to think.
Society does NOT tell me what to think. Obviously, you've never had a special relationship with a dog. Otherwise, you would know the depth of their emotions.
This is not society talking. This is through my own personal experiences.
As far as who is to say any one creature deserves special treatment - exactly, who is to say humans are worth more respect than dogs? In my opinion, dogs have earned my respect. Humans, a lot of them anyway, have not.
but it is society talking. If society said the dogs and cats were only good for dinner (like some society) but rats were the best pets ever, you would think completely different.
Here is a more realistic analogy. Society teaches Hindu's that the most sacred animal in the world is the cow, yet north america slaughters them by the thousands. Its all on how you were raised, and the beliefs you were taught, and the things you saw on a daily basis. You may not want to think it, but who you are, and what you think, and the things you justify, have been almost completely influenced by the society you grew up in.
And yes, I have a dog, and I love her very much. But thats because I didnt grow up in china where they eat them for dinner.
08-07-03, 04:23 PM
my landlord, his kid, and wife raise dogs, chickens, and turkeys and bring all the still borns over. Might as well recycle, the dogs eat any cats that come around so none ever have made it to my snakes.
08-07-03, 04:28 PM
so are u honestly trying to tell me u don't see or feel any difference in the relationship u have w/your dog compared to anything or anyone else?
does anyone else love u that much? is anyone else that loyal? a dog would never abandon a human, no matter what that human does. u can't say the same for the human. dogs do deserve more respect than we are giving them.
Personal feelings aside, there's another issue here that puts herpers in a bad light. There are laws protecting cats and dogs from abuse in most of the western hemisphere. Herpers are breaking these laws when they feed protected animals to their animals, and thus herpers continue to get bad press, prejudice and a reputation that is mostly undeserved.
If we want equal protection under the law for the herps we love, we are shooting ourselves in the feet by breaking the animal protection laws currently in existence.
This isn't about DOGS!
We all love dogs. Yes all dogs are wonderful. No one is saying dogs aren't worth as much as cats, snakes or vice versa. Cripes it gets to be a broken record in here.
The bottom line I believe is yes cats and dogs are protected from cruelty BUT if feeding a live kitten to snake is cruel, then feeding live mice and rats should also be illegal and should also be viewed as just as cruel.
Yes I love my cat and I have a special relationship with my dog. But the same can be said for almost ANY cat and dog owner. And guess what the pound is full of? I think my personal point here is just because people think their dog and cat are ever so special, doesn't mean its wrong that another culture sees them as dinner.
And if we view killing a cat for snake food as cruel then we should make feeding live rats and mice illegal as well.
Originally posted by LISA127
so are u honestly trying to tell me u don't see or feel any difference in the relationship u have w/your dog compared to anything or anyone else?
does anyone else love u that much? is anyone else that loyal? a dog would never abandon a human, no matter what that human does. u can't say the same for the human. dogs do deserve more respect than we are giving them.
Im not saying that at all. I love my dog. she is so cute. But I can honestly say, the only reason I feel this way, is because I was brought up in a culture that has taught me this is acceptable, and approved of, but feeding a kitten to a snake is unnacceptable and frowned upon.
ALL ANIMALS deserve respect. I am not going to discriminate. I am also not going to tell mother nature she is wrong. Snakes eat mammals, meaning they eat mice, rats, gerbils, rabbits, cats, dogs, monkeys, pigs, and humans. I personally wouldnt feed anything other than a live mouse, or F/T rat to my snake, but I am not going to tell someone else they are wrong for doing it.
P.S. If you eat meat, you really have no right to say that it is cruel to feed a kitten (or any other animal for that matter) to a snake. Yes, the snake could eat a rat, but you could eat vegetables. With the snake, its a given that one animal is going to have to die so another can live. But with humans, we make the choice to slaughter a living animal to feed ourselves.
08-07-03, 04:54 PM
why do we owe people more than we owe the rat or rabbit? or the dog?
btw, i don't eat meat
Thats a whole different topic!
OMG this is about live kittens being fed to a snake. Not about owing people anything or DOGS! Its about a story of a kitten being fed live, and if you think its right or wrong and why.
I have no clue how dogs or "what we owe people" has ANYTHING to do with it and frnakly, I am confused by over half of these postings.
we dont OWE anyone anything. We make choices. And one choice we have made, and continue to make, is to not feed kittens, or CHILDREN, to another animal. But that is because of SOCIETY. They tell you what is right and wrong. Acceptable and unnacceptable. It is all in your upbringing. thats life.
Alcoholic parent -> higher chance of alcoholic offspring
Abusive parent -> higher chance of abussive offspring
Dog eating parent -> dog eating children
Your upbringing molds who you are.
08-07-03, 04:59 PM
I keep garters and ribbons as pets, and wouldn't feed them to anything. Some of you would. Its all a matter of opinion.
I used to keep guppies as pets, and now that I have fish-eating snakes, the extra guppies are snake food. Its the same thing as the kittens. There are too many, and many will be put down/culled anyways, so why not make their deaths useful in some way? Again, its all a matter of opinion. We could debate this all day, saying whether it's right or wrong, but in the end, there will still be the people against it, and the people for it.
Exactly as some of you have already said, why does a cat or a dog have more of a right to live than a rat or a bunny? That is hypocritical, no matter how you put it.
IMO, and it is just an opinion, it is fine to feed a kitten to a snake, just as much as it is to feed a rat. The snake needs to eat, too, and different prey items add a variety to the diet. BUT, I believe you should definitely ask the kitten owners if you can feed them to your snakes. It's dishonest to not let them know your true intentions.
But feeding live kittens is cruel, just as cruel as it is to feed live rats. They have nowhere to escape to, and their last few minutes are filled with terror. Not to mention the obvious risks to your snake by feeding live.
If the kittens are going to die anyways, why not give the snake a free meal? Makes sense. ~TR~
08-07-03, 08:07 PM
I'm completely against feeding kittens to snakes. Not because they're cute, but because it is unnecessary. Rodents and rabbits are readily available and relatively cheap. It was mentioned that in the wild, much cuter animals get eaten, but our snakes are not in the wild. They are captive. My reptiles are fed pre-killed rodents, and live in a controlled environment. They are guaranteed a meal. They dont have to settle for whatever they can get. The excuse that it helps with over-population just isnt good enough for me.
Scott Wahlberg
08-07-03, 08:41 PM
Cats are Pests and I see nothing wrong with people doing this. If people spayed and newtered they're cats this would not even be a situation. Cats and Dogs are consumed as a source of food every day in third world countries and they think nothing of it. Atleast this way some good is becoming from their existence and they are not just being euthanized at th etax payers expense. How is a mouse really diff then a cat anyways ? IMO know one creature has a right to life more than another!! The only reason people feel this way is b/c cats are cute and cuddly and Rats are not. As long as people go about obtaining these cats legally and are not stealing them out of there neighbors HOUSE then I think they should be able to do what ever they want with them, if the cat is in your yard and crapping in your flower bed i'd say it's fair game then.
Just my 2 CENTS...............Scott Wahlberg
hmmm...feeding anything live to a snake for cheap thrills is wrong. Feeding a live cat for any reason is worse because of the damage its claws would do. feeding a dead kitty instead of a rodent is unacceptable for the majority of people because they're a common pet that most see as cute and cuddley. A better reason would be that it is not close to a snakes natural diet, although maybe people could argue that in terms of nutritional value. Don't get me wrong, I love all animals, I own two cats, a dog, snakes and millipedes. However, I've always been amazed as to how 'MUCH' people think cats are soo soo sweet, harmless and cutsy patutsy compared to other animals.. here's some information from my local humane society about kitties.....
-there are estimated to be 5,000,000 cats in Canada
-it is estimated that they kill nearly 150 million wild animals per year(birds being a main one)
-a cats hunting instinct supersedes need for food
-one pair of cats under good conditions can produce 7000 offspring over a 7 year span (this is including their offspringing breeding and so on) think of how many deaths they may cause!
i don't think a cat has any more feelings than a bunny, or any other poor creature staring into the eyes of death. Its just that people have been taught that certain animals are expendible and others are not.
lets make this .04cents.....cats are domesticated..they don't NEED to go outside...ours are fixed, indoor cats and perfectly happy!..
08-07-03, 09:53 PM
As for the people who were feeding live kittens to their snakes... are they stupid? because of the damage its claws would do .. Exactly. The snake is seriously at risk here. Need I say more?
Wow ! reading all these posts really made me think.
My position didn't change dramatically, but at least I now feel less of a freak for once thinking (hypoteticaly) about feeding cats to snakes.
Come to think of it, if the SPCA were to humanely kill them by CO2 (like responsilble rodents breeders kill their rodent) and then sell them frozen, I think I would buy them. A lot of people bring cats to the SPCA without thinking further... the think they will be placed in nice home.. sorry but that's not the reality, most of them end up in the oven.
Knowing that, many more pet owners would get their cats fixed so they can't reproduce. What we do to rats is even worst, we breed them for the only purpose of feeding them to our snakes, so why not take something that is going to die anyways.
I don't like feeding live mice to my snakes, I find that really hard to watch, so it would be the same for a cat, it's not something that excites me.
If this would become legal, maybe people would think twice before getting rid of their cats and would be more responsible towards them. It's easy to bash herp owner, but are we really the monsters they think we are... ?
08-08-03, 08:08 AM
thats sick
y not just feedin the snake 2 rats???
Yeah wyz I agree and really like your post.
I feel a good idea would be to use a CO2 method (or whatever wont affect the "eating value) and start putting these dumped cats down and donating them to one of the many large snake recues all over North America. One on hand the rescues would be getting helped out, on the other hand the public wouldn't like the thought of this and would get off their butts and start spaying those cats!
I also think birth control needs to be developed for cats that is cheap and easily obtained. I would gladly buy it each month and feed it in food on my porch for any stray females that come around. This would really help the cat problem IMHO.
Although the whole feeding cat thing, cruel or no, is dependant on the nutrional value of cats as a meal for snakes. They may be too fatty. I have no idea though.
Originally posted by marisa
I also think birth control needs to be developed for cats that is cheap and easily obtained. I would gladly buy it each month and feed it in food on my porch for any stray females that come around. This would really help the cat problem IMHO.
The problem is dosage, if you just put it out then you don't know what's eating it, male or female. and how much of it.
As for the people that think that because the cat comes into your yard you can do anything you want with it you are mistaken. There's generally laws protecting said animals from that sort of thing. You want to keep cats out of your yard then get a dog that chases cats.
Rodents, rabbits, etc. that are raised specifically as feeders are given diets that will increase their nutritional value. Unwanted, abandoned, neglected or abused cats are often starving, full of parasites, and possibly sick. While most viral diseases are species-specific, there are a number of bacterial and fungal infections that will happily jump the gap.
Why take those risks, on top of the claws?
08-08-03, 09:46 AM
What if the cat is dead? Let's say you get a litter and some aren't alive because the mother couln't remove it from the sac? Or let's say a vet co2's them? (if they would we never know). I wouln't mind feeding a dead cat or dog to my snakes. BUt I wouln't feed them live, just like my mice and rats, they are dead when I feed them. But I also don't put them in the microwave!! lolol idiot
Originally posted by Siretsap
What if the cat is dead? Let's say you get a litter and some aren't alive because the mother couln't remove it from the sac? Or let's say a vet co2's them? (if they would we never know). I wouln't mind feeding a dead cat or dog to my snakes. BUt I wouln't feed them live, just like my mice and rats, they are dead when I feed them. But I also don't put them in the microwave!! lolol idiot
When vets put down an animal they don't use CO2. they inject a drug. also for a vet to put down an animal it is quite expensive, it's not cost effective. if you're taking an animal to the vet to be put down it's because you usually love the animal enough to put it out of it's misery.
08-08-03, 09:55 AM
Lol, I take wild animals that are in badshape, and I don't necessarely like them. I just take them to the vet, he does what he wants with it. You know, we all have our opinions, and I respect that, I do not see a problem in feeding dead cats or dogs. It's not worse than feeding a mice, rat, pic, chick, or any other living creature. The dead cats and dogs (and the thing on the side of the road that has tire marks on it and is smelly) they are all turned into cat and dog food in the end. SO waht is the big deal?
Originally posted by Jmail324
I'm completely against feeding kittens to snakes. Not because they're cute, but because it is unnecessary. Rodents and rabbits are readily available and relatively cheap...
Your bias is showing. ;) Feeding them rodents is just as unnecessary since cats and kittens are also readily available and relatively cheap (free).
I wouldn't do it. I've had pet cats and dogs. The larger the mammal, and the more capable it is of emulating or truly expressing emotion (I dont really know which they do), the easier it is to sympathize and anthropomorphize. Yeah, it's cultural bias, but one that I'm clearly not free of. I've always had pet cats and/or dogs, and I very much identify with them.
I dont think there's anything wrong with it though. Animals are animals...rats, cats, mice, rabbits, goats, and baby snakes all have as much right (or lack thereof) to life.
The other issue...I think it's wrong to take an animal from someone who is trying to place that animal in a "good home" and feed it to your pet without being open about that. I've heard many times in these forums "here's a pic of my new corn hatchlings, and no, you cant have any to feed to your coral". How would you feel if you gave your babies to a fellow herper to raise, only to find that he fed them to his own collection? This isn't even about the's about respect for other people and their feelings.
08-08-03, 02:21 PM
If there were no irresponsable cat owners letting there cats mass produce then this would not even be an issue.
just my .02
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