View Full Version : Will she ever stop laying eggs?

08-07-03, 08:53 AM
I separated Aurora from the Male after she laid her third clutch. She laid 3 more clutches after that and it looks like she's going to lay another clutch today or tomorrow. The 4th and 5th clutch were fertile and the 6th were stuck together and too dry by the time found them. (One baby was born yesterday) Will she ever stop laying eggs?

08-07-03, 08:56 AM
Once they mate with a male, they will continue to lay eggs all season. It only takes one mating.

08-07-03, 09:14 AM
I know that but is there an end to the season? And if I don't introduce her to a male next year will she lay infertile eggs?

08-07-03, 09:19 AM
I'd like to answer your post, but I'm asking myself the same question...

I introduced the male on Feb. 15th, had the 1st clutch 10 days later and they are still laying ! Allmost 6 months now...


08-07-03, 09:23 AM
they will stop laying right before they think it's time for hibernation you may have one or two more clutches coming. Thats what i have observed since i started breeding. Mine are still going after i seperated the male over 2 months ago. and i'm still planning on having one or 2 more clutches this year.

This is why it is crutcial to make sure females are ready to breed and are given alot of nutrietion before and durning breeding.

And next year it is possible for her to lay fertile eggs with out coming into contact with a male.

08-07-03, 10:19 AM
I believe the season ends around september.

08-07-03, 01:17 PM
Leopard geckos are similar to bunnies in this way, they always seem to be reproducing! Meg, you are fortunate! Be sure to post pix of all the cute little babies when you can!

08-07-03, 02:26 PM
The third one, affectionately named Trois, are the three most recent pics in my gallery if you'd like to check her out. She came out almost exactly like Luna.