View Full Version : jubjub the green frog..what a pig

08-06-03, 04:46 PM
my green frog is about 6-8 months old i'm not quite sure but hje eats like a pig is it normal for a green frog to eat 6-10 crickets a day? his sides are huge should i put him on a diet
because i'm just put the crickets in and let him eat what he wants?

08-06-03, 05:11 PM
Frogs eat until their stomachs burst. These frogs are VERY robust so, feed him every 2-3 days...

08-06-03, 08:30 PM
are you serious? like they eat until they litterly explode and die dats horrible thx so much i'll noly feed him every 2 days from now on thx again:)

08-07-03, 09:13 AM
Well, they eat eat and eat... I dunno if their stomachs blow up for real though :p But thats how they eat... If I gave my toad THAT many crickets... she'll eat 'em all... and it wont be good.

08-07-03, 10:08 AM
oh ok lol:) thx i'll limit jubjubs diet