View Full Version : f/k

08-05-03, 03:34 PM
Okay. I apologize beforehand if this is asked a lot.

I need to know the most humane/easiest way for me to kill a medium rat quickly. I just adopted an adult male ball python and he's on medium rats. He has been eating live all of his life, and has been attacked by rats numerous times. I want to switch him to frozen/thawed, but I don't have any frozen medium rats..only small hopper mice that I'm feeding my baby BCI. I don't have time to order more frozen rats, because I need to feed him sometime within the next couple of days. This will be my first time killing a rat. Note: I also have kept rats as pets in the past, and currently have one very large male rat that I keep as a pet. So, this will be hard for me, but I am prepared to do what I have to to ensure the saftey of the snake. Please help! Thanks so much.

Also: he has an AMAZING feeding response for a ball python. He ate a freshly killed rat last week (my brother killed the rat..I didn't watch him do it or anything, all I know is he slammed it on a table), and took no time to devour it. But, my brother does not live with me and it was only by chance that he was at my house that day. Sorry for babbling :)

08-05-03, 03:37 PM
I only know of smashing them against the table.
I would love to hear of another way:D?

08-06-03, 10:45 AM
that's what I've done... only problem is, you have to hit it right on the back off the skull or you will just be hurting it... ie. it will feel the pain. if you do crack it on the skull on somehting hard, it won't feel anything. it will die fairly quickly. there are other methods that work for smaller animals, but med. rats may survive them. perhaps someone else uses the cervical dislocation method on rats? i know it works on smaller rodents, never tried with a rat. With that method, you hodl the rat's head down with a screwdriver behind it's head, then give a very hard and sharp yank, and that's it. though, wait to hear from someone else whether it works or not, cuase as I said, I haven't done it with a rat. Cheers, and good luck.

08-08-03, 01:37 AM
Dry ice is quick and painless when administered correctly, see lana's post on dry ice on my method. Oh ya your BP can go months with out food.

08-08-03, 09:56 AM
Click <a href="http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=17326">here</a> for the last thread on this topic ;)

I personally use the pillowcase off the wall method. Quick, but you have to use A LOT of force, you want to kill it instantly.