View Full Version : Argh! My luck with Kenyans feeding
08-05-03, 08:16 AM
Argh! I don't get this. I already have one Kenyan who refuses to eat anything other than live, and now my baby Kenyan won't take prekilled prey either, even though he did take a F/T pinky once. After going through 2 pinkies that he just spit out, I broke down and gave him a live fuzzy which he took down with NO problems. So, now that I'm trying to give him a prekilled fuzzy, he won't take it. I left it in his enclosure overnight, and it's still there this morning.
I need suggestions... I want to get him on prekilled prey before he's too old to switch, like my 4 year old female. I've heard scenting with chicken broth works... do I have to make the broth myself, or will the canned stuff do?
NOTE: I haven't tried fresh killed, but I will do that tonight. What I'm looking for is suggestions in case that fails.
Try egg yolk or canned chicken broth...I also find with very young kenyans that lizard scent is really effective.
Good luck!
08-05-03, 09:10 PM
Thank-you B-Rep, Invictus and I will try that out, and we'll keep updates on the progress.
08-10-03, 01:26 AM
Well, here's the update.
Buttercup, our 4 year old live-only feeder took a fresh killed today like a champ!!!! RedDragon and I are SO happy about this. I put her into a bucket and dangled the fresh kill in her face. I didn't even get 2 shakes in when she snatched it up and death coiled it. It was one of the most liberating moments of my life. Finally, no more live food.
The baby on the other hand.... *grumble grumble grumble*... would not take a prekilled fuzzy. I even tried the feeding bucket with just him and the fuzzy... no luck. He liked biting ME left right and center though.
So I tried prekilled pinkies. Denied. Tried scenting the pinkies with chicken broth. Denied. Tried warming up and wetting the pinkies. Denied. Tried pretty much everthing. Denied. So, the little bast*rd is getting a live fuzzy tomorrow. But I will not stop trying to get him onto prekilled.
Remember they are ambush predators. They wait beneath the substrate for their prey. A seperate feeding container lacking substrate may hinder your snakes appettite. While he's under the susbtrate try gently tapping the prey over top of the substrate to simulate it walking around on the surface, very near your snake. Your chances are also best at night ;)
08-12-03, 09:21 AM
Originally posted by Linds
While he's under the susbtrate try gently tapping the prey over top of the substrate to simulate it walking around on the surface, very near your snake. Your chances are also best at night ;)
Tried both. Denied. Even at first with a live fuzzy - DENIED for about 7 hours. He finally took it, and has a full belly now. As soon as he digests, he will take prekilled, or he will be grounded until he is old enough to breed. :)
08-12-03, 10:02 AM
Linds!! ... your comments are dead on...
Baby Erycines really need live prey. They need to sense movement above them, they need the ambient to be hot.(90F) They need to sense motion , scent and heat from the prey, so small quarters are essential, and they need all that to happen in the dark..
Its hard to satisfy these conditions with dead prey. And yes, sometimes it can take several hours before they even strike live food, and this is frequently in the middle of the night.
Invictus, baby sand buggers can be a pain in the butt, to get going, but most Kenyans will eventually take dead, after a year or so.
I have adult breeder conicus and Johnii that still wont take dead, so live prey is the name of the game with Eryx/Gongylophis.
If you intend to do more work with Erycines, you might consider establishing a small rodent colony, even just a couple of trays...
sooner or later you'll be breeding your Kenyans, and you'll need a live pinky supply then, for sure.
I really hate breeding mice mnyself, but I have to keep a few trays going, because it goes with the territory
08-12-03, 05:06 PM
Hey Roy,
Given our success converting our 4 year old Kenyan over to prekilled prey, I'm not too worried about converting the neonate at a later time. What frustrates me though, is that he did take a prekilled pinky when I first got him, and then just stopped taking them entirely.
I like your suggestion about the breeding colony, unfortunately, I'm not allowed to keep furry pets in my house according to my lease. I might be able to swindle the landlord on that one though, we'll see. We are picking up our 4th Kenyan this week sometime, so we'll definitely need lots of food in the future. 2 of our Kenyans are breedable as well, so we'll be doing that next year.
08-12-03, 07:30 PM
Thanks for the advice guys. As Invictus said, since we were able to get our adult Kenyan onto fresh killed, I'm sure that we'll have no trouble getting the little guy onto it. :)
08-13-03, 08:23 AM
Speaking of furry pet rules.....does anyone have a take on the new "skinny pigs" ? Hairless rodents bred from guinea pigs. Any good as feeders ?
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