View Full Version : Horny or Confused waterdragons?

08-05-03, 12:51 AM
Hey all,

i have a question for you. Today i saw my two lizards having a go at it. Now that in itself is not unusual right, but I am a little confused by thier behavior given the fact that they are two different species.

My male is an AWD and my female is a CWD. Are they just bored? confused? horny?

Has anyone heard of this happening? I have read that the two species don't breed. Does that mean they don't shag? or that they do but no fertilization of the eggs occur?

Can someone please clarify this for me. Should I do anything about it or should i just let them at it?



08-05-03, 12:27 PM
What does AWD and CWD mean?? I know water dragon, I'm assuming African water dragon but what it the other??

08-05-03, 01:39 PM
AWD is australian waterdragon, CWD is Chinese water dragon

08-05-03, 03:56 PM
Did "having a go" include neck biting and copulation? Or are you seeing dominance behavior? (Climbing on top of, wrestling, posturing)

Keep an eye on CWD female. If she is stressing, or being damaged, I strongly recommend separating them.

08-05-03, 04:07 PM
yes "having a go" meant neck biting and copulation. it was definately not dominance behavior. When I first glanced in I thought that was what was happening then i noticed he had her by the neck and the tail thing was happening. And i was like "holy ****" and then i backed away from the cage and let them do thier thing then everthing was back to normal when i checked back in on them in 10 minutes.

08-06-03, 09:34 AM
Were they sharing a cigarette?

I'd like to reserve a cocincinus/leseurii cross offspring now please...

Seriously though, my guess would be, that nothing will come of it. However, it may be possible that your female develops eggs anyway, and will need to deposit them. They will just be infertile. Keep an eye on her, in the event she becomes gravid. If she does lay eggs, treat them as fertile. You will know within a week or two if they are slugs.

As I said earlier, if your male Australian keeps hitting on her, to the point where it is effecting her health, you should separate them.

08-06-03, 09:55 AM
Ive seen it happen, the eggs wont be fertile but most likely she will develop them. good luck!