View Full Version : cage size...again

08-04-03, 07:36 PM
im getting a russian tortoise on friday from Ed_ finially after wanting one for about a year. My dream is to have a tortoise. I just love them. What i wanted to know is he said the tortoise is about 5" long so if i put him in a tank thats 30" long and 1 ft wide and 19" high. Would that be ok for now, Until i build a tank with my dad in about half a year?

08-04-03, 07:51 PM
Congrats Bartman!! russian torts are awesome i have one my self. As for the tank i think it should be ok for now but the sooner you can get the new cage built the better the more room the better for any tortoise

Good luck


08-04-03, 07:54 PM
ok thanks sooo much..OMG im soooooooo excited! What do you feed yours burm? I read a bunch of things on collards, mustard greens and things like that...and someone told me danilions are there favourite and than on another site it said that it shouldnt be givin to often at all...???

Turtle Matt
08-05-03, 07:50 AM
Dont use a glass aquarium,they need a more ventilated enclosure than that. Give them a lot of dandelions,it's probably one of the best foods for him to eat.

red bootz
08-05-03, 08:08 AM
I second that. Dandelions are a good source of fiber as well as having an excellent calcium to phosphorous ratio. Check out the World Chelonian trust site. They have a handy list with breakdowns of the nutritional content in commonly used tortoise foods. Also, think about a large plastic tub or concrete mixing container instead of an aquarium. Good Luck!

08-05-03, 03:09 PM
i cant use an aquarium even if there is no top? wouldnt all the air get out through the top? thanks for the help with the dandelions, i am gonna use that as my staple food and throw in some other varieties every now and than.

red bootz
08-05-03, 03:27 PM
With a regular aquarium, the sides are too tall and the air inside tends to stagnate. This can lead to problems with repiratory function, especially for russians who are accustomedto clean, dry, air. Plus, with torts being a most curious breed, if they can see something they're gonna want to get to it. So you'll be in for a whole lotta thumpin' around. Seriously, a large plastic tub is way easier to keep clean and IMHO is the way to go.

08-05-03, 04:47 PM
one more thing, and if the answer is no than im gonange t the plastic thing, but what if i buy backround and put it on all 3 sides of the tank and only leave the front glass? and also what if i put a little computer fan, about 3"x3", on the top and it would take the air out? would that work causs if not than i need a new tank. and im buying the tortoise off Ed_...have you ever talked to him on a post or anything? im supposed to meet him on friday to get it but i dont know if he is a relyable source i just met the guy 2 days ago..(sorry cant spell lol)

red bootz
08-05-03, 05:06 PM
It'll probably be banging the front glass non-stop. Depending on what type of substrate you choose I'm afraid the fan is gonna kick up too much dust. As for this Ed guy I've never heard of him. Just make sure your tort is healthy. If its heavy, great. If you can get it to eat in front of you even better. All the other "buying a healthy turtle/tortoise" rules apply. In any case get it checked for endoparasites. A 5" russian is most definitely wild caught and if not established you may end up with acclimating problems. Once established though they're pretty hardy if kept under the right conditions. Liek I said, good luck.

08-05-03, 05:10 PM
ok thanks :) Ill bring some food and try to get it to eat. And im also meeting him at reptilia..a really well kept pet store..so before i buy it im gonna ask them to look at it. thanks for the info

08-11-03, 04:24 PM
Keep in mind that it is probably wild caught, I haven't heard of or seen any captive bred russians in Canada. That doesn't mean they don't exist, just makes it unlikely.

Ditto on the glass, i have my little sulcata in a 30 gallon, he paces the front back and forth constantly.

Something to keep in mind

08-11-03, 06:45 PM

Beth Wallbank breds and sells CB's.

08-12-03, 01:56 PM

do you know where she is located and how much she sells them for? i might be interested :)