View Full Version : how much to feed?

08-04-03, 12:07 PM
My veild cham is about 8 months old. I was just wondering how much he should be eating? I usually feed him mealworms, crickets, and wax worms (as a treat). But how many of each should i be feeding him on a daily basis? I just don't want to over/under feed the poor guy! :)

08-04-03, 01:30 PM
Hi Pookie... sorry I can't give you exact numbers, because I just let my guys eat as much as they want to :)


08-04-03, 02:03 PM
If he is a he I wouldent worry too much about how much food he eats my males nver eat nearly as much as my females so i let them eat till they are not interested anymore, If its a female well thats a different story they can get really fat and that causes them to produce more egges which is hard on them, I got my female veiled from 80 eggs at a time down to 30-40ish I let her eat all she wants after she lays and cut he down to umm about 4 0r 5 large silks every 2 days, with a few extra treats every now and then. Iv nevey had an overweight male so I just let them eat all they want

08-04-03, 02:04 PM
he's def. a HE :) But i really just have no idea on how much to give him. I've just been giving him about 10-15 mealies a day...but i'm not sure if that's enough. I just need a rough idea!

08-04-03, 09:40 PM
The mealies are hard for him to digest and shouldn't be used as a staple food! My male is insane on eating, I usually put about 10-15 crickets in, or give about 8 crickets, and a little bowl of mealies... The mealie's exoskeleton (I believe that's what it's called!) is hard to digest and doesn't provide your cham with enough 'meat' and such! But they're good every once in a while :D ... My cham never leaves any crickets, unless they're smart enough to hide from him (which we all know they're not)... and I'm pretty sure he's going to eat me broke ! lol ... He's also around the same age as yours... Good luck with your cham!


08-05-03, 07:47 AM
I usually give him crickets every other day, i alternate w/ the mealies. They're just so expensive! Is there anything cheaper that's just as good for him? Like another worm type thing? :)

08-05-03, 10:02 AM
Cockroaches are easy to breed, can live for years, require little maintenance and are extremely easy to gutload (they eat anything). I'd recommend you have a hand at breeding those. You should start off with a hefty ammounty and gradually feed off the males slowly so you can let the females reproduce, it will take you several months to establish a reliable breeding colony. But, since they are illegal in some places, you might have a hard time finding some. Make sure they don't get out and establish themselves in your home, we don't want cockroaches all over Canada.


08-05-03, 12:02 PM
I wouldn't even know where to find cockroaches! i'm from the US! :)