View Full Version : Spraying

08-04-03, 11:10 AM
i noticed as i sprayed my new pantehr, the water quickly formed some puddles on the bottom ... i was wondering if i sprayed 4 times a day, but a little less each time, is that ok?

lemme know


08-04-03, 02:08 PM
Umm I think 4 is too much, I do it twice a day and keep a spray bottle neer the cage so when I pass it through out the day I just lightly spray to raise humidity, seems to work for me, just my thoughts

08-04-03, 06:12 PM
yeah .. i meant lightly mist a few times more a day .. i dont think i made that clear - lol

08-04-03, 10:27 PM
Lol well i got no clue. Havnt got a chameleon yet. But i made its cage and i have been testing it to keep the humdity high but after 10-30 mins it drops back down really quickly. But maybe because i dont have plants and uhh wood chips at the bottom(i dont know what you call it. So i called it wood chips) cause i heard they keep humdity high. So my question is what other things can keep the humdity high???

08-04-03, 10:42 PM
EEEP! No wood chips! No mulch! No bark! No reptisand, etc etc etc. As a matter of fact, you shouldn't use substrate at all in a chameleon enclosure. I say this, because they can accidently ingest these nasties when they zap bugs and then you've got an impacted chameleon on your hands.

If you are worried about esthetics in your cage, perhaps you could go with paper towel or even that repti-carpet stuff, although that is something you need to keep spotlessly clean to prevent any mold and mildew buildups. Ewww.

As for keeping the humidity up... misting is the best way. I heavily mist twice daily and I have drippers going for extra water. In the drier winter months I have a humidifier going to boost up the levels in the room. Remember, it's not low humidity that kills chameleons, it's dehydration. So you just need to supply lots of water daily.

Hope this helps!


08-04-03, 11:03 PM
OOOO alright NO wood chips. Dont want other things coming up. Thanks for letting me know. Cause i was palnning to get some soon. thanks. Well i have this reptile-carpet stuff. but i think im gonna put paper towel or something over it not sure yet. Well i hear that your suppose to spray for 5-10 mins. is that right or how long should i spray it for?

08-04-03, 11:04 PM
I didn't address the plant issues that you brought up. Sorry! Make sure the cage has lots of greenery inside and this will help hold the water droplets, both for drinking and keeping the humidity level up. I also find real plants are better at this than fake, plastic ones. Just remember to use non-toxic plants in your cage.

And meow... I give you credit for testing out humidity levels in your cage before you bring your little guy home. Not many potential chameleon owners would think of that! :thumbsup:

And yes, I spray about 5-10 minutes per session on each cage that I have.



08-05-03, 10:54 AM
paper towels work great!!! :)

08-05-03, 08:09 PM
Trace is very right, no substrate should be used at all, and another tip: cover your plant pots with large river stones (make sure to disinfect them if they are from an actual river). Having these large stones on top of the soil in your plants will help keep them wet longer so you don't have to water them as much, and will prevent your cham from snatching up any of the stuff when he's hunting; this will also prevent your female from digging there when she's gravid. The more foliage the better, I have to literally fight to close the door on my male veiled's enclosure it's so packed with plants. As a substrate I use normal carpet, the repti-crap is too expensive. Just make sure you don't have any strands coming out of the carpet or your cham could rip some out when he's eating and he could swallow it and that would NOT be fun.


08-05-03, 08:59 PM
o wow ok thanks for the info. Ya i have to agree with you brock the repti stuff is to expensive.