View Full Version : Little one passed away last night

08-03-03, 02:29 PM
As alot of you know I've been having trouble with one of my geckos little one. She was sick and then started doing better, she was eating on her own and also eating out of my fingers when I held her ( I did this just to make sure she was eating, she was in with 2 others so I was not sure if she was eating when I was not around). Anyway I took her out last night to feed her a maleworm or 2. When I put her back she started making some funny noises. I noticed she was drooling and having trouble beathing. I opened her mouth and wiped out as much drool as I could, then I kinda tilted her head down so it would run out of her mouth more freely. After I did that she sounded better, her breath was not a watery sounding. Anyway she was doing better and moving around, breathing normal, so I put her back in with her friends. I knew she was not going to make it through the night and I wanted her to die where she was happy. This all happened about 2 in the morn, I was crying my eyes out. Finally got some sleep, when I got up I found her in her favorite spot. She died peacefully in her sleep. I want to say thank you to all of you who tried to help us.

R.I.P little one.

08-03-03, 02:35 PM
sorry for you're loss. At least she died happy and you did you're best. You can't do nothing more

08-03-03, 02:44 PM
Sory for your loss. I lost one of my baby leopard geckos about a week ago. Didn't like the feeling at all.
You should have your 2 remaining checked at the vet.
Mine cought some parasites so my whole collection is on Flagil at the moment and we almost lost 3 females which are coming around since we started the treatment with Flagil.

08-03-03, 05:38 PM
Sorry for your lost.
I know you did all you could.

08-03-03, 05:47 PM
Thanks everyone. I took little one to the vet and they did not know what was wrong. So it's basicly pointless to take the other 2 if they don't even know what was wrong with Little one. The 3 have been together long enough that the other 2 should have shown something wrong. They have both been eating like pigs and are heathly. I could send little one to the vet for an autopsy(sp?) but I can't stand the thought of my gecko being cut open, so I buried her in the back yard next to the baby that died.

08-03-03, 07:31 PM
So sorry to hear it. My thoughts are with you. Please let us know if you figure out what happened to her.

08-04-03, 02:09 PM
:( :( Aawwww very very sorry to here about your loss Rebecca.. Atleast you know its not suffering now... :( :(