View Full Version : Snake doesn't care but I am having an Idenity crisis!

08-02-03, 06:23 PM
hahaha! For this whole year I have been calling Eight "he" (not for any reason just figured male)

Today we got HER probed and She is not a HE! haha It's going to be hard to stop saying "Oh look how cute he is!"


<img src="http://members.rogers.com/mattl/1eight07-24-03.jpg">


08-02-03, 06:25 PM
lol--i hate it when that happens :) SHE is adorable, though! Great shot of her tongue!

08-02-03, 07:08 PM
Oh man that's awsome! Eight is a great looking girl! The only problem is the perfect female I had here for him/her now just isn't going to work out. Oh well I've got Cyrus here who's still a good match for her! If ever you want to let her go let me know!

08-02-03, 07:08 PM
that happened to me just the other day, weird isnt it?

08-02-03, 07:14 PM
Yeah it is weird. Its not like it matters and of course the snake doesn't care, but its a weird feeling when you have something in your house for a year and that something is "he" to you. LOL.. Its stupid but it still is weird!

thanks for all the nice comments. I love her too much I think!


08-02-03, 10:07 PM
exactly I had my "female" bp finally sexed........only to find out that she is a he!!! I still have problems calling him a him....but it's ok......Congrats on Eight! SHE is a beautiful girl!