View Full Version : Humidity!! Help!!
I've come up with an idea. My baby girl is in shed right now and I'm misting her cage up to 5 or 6 times daily in order to keep her humidity at 70 or 80. I somtimes don't get the chance to mist her enough so I've had a though and I want to run it by everyone. I was thinking that I could cut in half a brand new O-cello dishwashing sponge, wet it, and put it under her water bowl. Is this a good idea? Oh, it will also give her a hide on the cool side of the cage as well. Opinions please!!! :D
Have you tried putting some type of glass sheet over the side of the tank where the water dish is? I've done this with my rainbow boa and it seems to hold the humidity much better. The sponge might work if you put it inside a plastic container to keep it moist and this way the snake can go inside the humidity box/area. Just a thought. I've never tried a sponge before, seems like a good idea :)
Humid hides are much better IMO than constantly spraying down a cage...
08-02-03, 06:07 PM
I just spray the cage down about 3 times a day, and then once in the morning I take him out and mist him down completely (making sure to get the eyes) and then when I get home from work, and then before I go to bed......(hope thats not to much)
08-02-03, 06:51 PM
Why not just put some dampened sphagnum moss in its hide? It's going to go into the hide regardless... you might as well put the moist moss in there. It holds moisture VERY well.
08-02-03, 07:16 PM
i was going to say what invictus said, but you could you what i did:
take a hand towel, clean, run it through with warm water, ring it out, and fold it the hide. mt bp is in a shed too, and she loves it, she only leaves her hide to drink. this is also good to up the tank humidity, but not by much.
i would also suggest putting tin foil over the top of the cage, this helps to keep in some moisture, remember to poke hole in it thogh.
i'm from a small town i alabama...where do I find that moss??
Gardening stores usually have a suitable type of moss, I think it's either peat or sphagnum moss or both that they carry.
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