View Full Version : Treat food for a Bull.

08-02-03, 07:44 AM
I read in several books that Bull Snakes take Eggs as well as rodents. Would it be a good idea to feed Ekans a quail egg every once in a while along with her usual Medium Rat?

08-02-03, 08:28 AM
not sure about eggs,wouldn't they have to regergatate the shell? If I want to treat my snakes i normally feed them a hampster (they go mad for it) or gerbils (coz both are exspensive, bout a pound for a 40-50 gram rodent) I also feed my snakes small Rats, Mice and chicks (chicks are dead cheap, bout 10p each);)

08-03-03, 03:14 AM
my bull ate a quail egg he was into it

Simon R. Sansom
08-03-03, 08:55 AM
Hi guys,
Although I have no personal experience with it...
According to Carl Kauffeld's classic '69 book, "Snakes: The Keeper and the Kept", Bull Snakes will readily feed upon eggs. It seems that they break the shells by contractions of the muscles, and they don't regurge the shells.



08-03-03, 09:22 AM
O.k. Thanks for your answers... It seems like quail eggs & Med' Rat is on the menu next week. (Mrs is cooking again...Lol) I'm just glad I'm NOT the one getting rid of the shell, that could be a bit of a pain in the A$$.

08-07-03, 02:41 AM
You are on the righ track. Quail eggs are good supplement to your snake's diet. Not too many though as they can casue obesity. Bullsnakes wil also enjoy birds, so chicks are also a possibility.


Bryce Masuk
08-07-03, 02:55 AM
I wouldnt do it snakes often will find a food they like and refuse anything else. imagine your full grown bull eating 2 dozen quail eggs a week. Feed him/her rats of the correct size and nothing else. Its hard converting a snake from mice to rats sometimes imagine from quail egg's back to rats

08-07-03, 12:37 PM
I'm on the same line as Bryce, snakes aren't like cats and dogs, they will eat what they like and nothing else, some snakes will like both some won't. save yourself the stress and just feed them the best thing for them and skip the treats.

08-07-03, 12:38 PM
Quail eggs are quite expensive, so, It would only be very rare that she gets them. As for her diet, I don't think she would refuse ANYTHING!!! She's known in this house as a "PIG SNAKE". I'm still quite tempted to try her on eggs, though.

08-07-03, 07:45 PM
My bulls are the same they were disposals. They did not get stuck on the "treats" but the other guys make a very very valid point as many snakes when given something different to eat get hooked and will only then eat the treat. I agree the treats are best avoided but with a bull with a healthy apetite is it less of a risk.

08-15-03, 01:23 AM
who can you get hooked on stuffing an unbroken egg in your mouth? (jk)

08-19-03, 04:29 PM
i dont own any bullsnakes but my bps readily feed on hampsters. they usually get one every few weeks.