View Full Version : finally home

08-01-03, 09:10 AM
well, i finally got home a couple of days ago from my 2 week trip to the amazingly beautiful British Isles...Not much to report herp wise, just a common toad in Scotland...but, none the less a marvolous time for the theatrical half of me...i got to see a few shows (Taming of the Shrew, My Fair Lady, Phantom of the Opera, and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang) which were amazing and i was able to go to a few art galleries...

I missed my snakes so much!!! I was so happy to get home and feed them, but, i wish i was back in London...I might just have to move there after college to satisfy my theatrical side once again!!! Well, that's all going on in the life of the Diva...

have a great weekend,