View Full Version : What is your background.
08-01-03, 03:06 AM
Just Curious/bored.
I'm white as clean snow!
Actually, my parents are Canadian, as are my grandparents. After that, I am a mix of Acadian, Polish, French and English.
08-01-03, 05:21 AM
damn, i forgot arab.
08-01-03, 07:02 AM
Born of the earth, My parents are Canada, nice one Zoe,
Zoe, now we are even, as you pointed out a grammer error that I made in the past.
No Brian, my parents are Canada... The soil you are walking on? That's my mom! My dad is west canada...
lol, hey, bugger off, it was late when I wrote that! (still is... boy i need to sleep).
And I remember you pointing out another of my TYPOS in the past, hm? :D
08-01-03, 09:40 AM
My mother is from Liverpool, England. My dad was born in canada but both of his parents are Portuguese (born in the Azores) so I guess that makes me half English half Portuguese. :2yellow:
08-01-03, 09:48 AM
My parents are from canada, but my Grandparents are from Poland, Canada, Ireland and Great Britan. 25% Polish 25% Canadian, 25% Irish and 25% English.
LOOOL, I'm the only one so far! I consider myself hispanic, even though I look white as snow with freckles here and there. Mostly Mexican with some Cuban.
08-01-03, 10:17 AM
08-01-03, 10:47 AM
This poll was not put up to offend anyone. It is a way of getting to know eachother better. Why is this not a good place to put this poll? Why does it bother you?
This isn't an attack and no one is trying to offend you.
08-01-03, 10:51 AM
Cool, i thought everyone was gonna start boycotting me.
08-01-03, 10:52 AM
If this poll were posted anywhere else, I'd say it was asking for trouble. But here, I don't personally mind answering.
I'm mostly Scottish and French in background, but I am a second generation Canadian. I also have Welsh, English, and Irish bloodlines. So, you could say I'm Celt through and through.
08-01-03, 11:06 AM
08-01-03, 11:11 AM
It doesnt say anywhere that the polls had to be about herps. And if you didnt like it you could of just ignored it instead of coming in here and spamming.
Classic: Don't hate. You don't have to respond to this poll if you don't like it.
Besides, most people are talking about their bloodlines. "Race" is not really what we're describing here anyway.
Classic...lighten up man!!! I think we are all just having some fun, and trying to get to know each other a little better!
Me, I am like Invictus..a Canadian Celt! Mostly Scottish and Irish with a little bit of European thrown in to play hell with the stereotypes!! LOL
Do not make this a closed thread please.
100% Polish and proud.
08-01-03, 11:45 AM
Another Scottish & Irish here
08-01-03, 12:08 PM
08-01-03, 12:27 PM
I'm mexican. Pocos pero locos in the herper world. The other hispanic people here will get it.
Jungle Jen
08-01-03, 12:32 PM
My mom was born in Palmanova, Udinae, Italy. My dad was born in Canada but is of Scottish/Irish descent. I guess that makes me 50% italian, 50% scottish/irish. (really sweet with one hell of a temper) lol
08-01-03, 03:54 PM
I really found the way this thread was worded... "Race on ssnakess" to be disturbing... So i changed it to what is your background as that is what you guys are talking about anyways.
08-01-03, 04:01 PM
My father is a quebecer, but his father is from greek descendence and his mother was Italian. My mother is a quebecer. So that makes me a Quebecer, Greek, Italian Canadian
I had previously checked "latino" but now I withdraw that. I am nowhere near a South American. Mexico is still North America you know....Latino was more encompassing. I appreciate your attempt at PCness though, Jeff.
08-01-03, 05:06 PM
Canadian by birth, Ukrainian and Polish parents...... but I eat so much darn Chinese food..............
another DimSum Dumpling, please... oooo o Rice Rolls!!
08-01-03, 07:27 PM
Yes can you please change it back to latin. I'm from mexico too, and its kind of offending to change latino to south american. Latin is spain mexico and all around south america.
08-01-03, 07:31 PM
Canadian born with Irish/German blood. :)
Mostly Irish and a little bit of German.
08-02-03, 02:13 AM
I never knew "Canadian" was a race.
08-02-03, 03:07 AM
mexican i guess............
08-02-03, 03:08 AM
make that: mexican,black,white and thats it
08-02-03, 03:09 AM
oh yah indian.....
08-04-03, 08:44 PM
im israeli and extremely proud of it ;)
well my mom is from israel and my dad is from poland and i was born here (canada) so im a mix of all 3.
Skink Keeper
08-18-03, 05:14 PM
i'm half Portuguese and half English.
08-18-03, 05:18 PM
Half Irish, Half Cherokee
Canadian born French/Ukrainian (50/50 split)
pure swedish baby
but no blond hair just tall 6'1
100% Polish, but I consider myself Canadian :)
08-22-03, 07:08 AM
i'm Irish and Swedish and Illinois born and raised
My race is white, well, that's really a colour. Caucasian.
My background is Czechoslovakian, well, the Slovak part at least, and Ukranian.
My grandparents are/were from holland. my parents are from holland. And im am born in holland, so im like99.9% dutch :D
08-30-03, 07:05 AM
I'm 100% Acadian (French decendants). We were here before the Brits.
08-30-03, 07:49 PM
Born of mother earth and father sun.
I was born and raised in North Greece and because of the ancient herritage i like that and i feel proud, but everywhere is home and everyone has something to tell you. You just have to be the wandering bee in search of different flowers.
08-30-03, 07:53 PM
Canadian here :D back to my grandparents -- after that, it's Norwegian, English, Welsh, and probably a few other things thrown in there too ;)
08-30-03, 08:16 PM
i'm 75% french and 25% irish...or was it scottish?? anyone know whether the last name Stevenson is irish or scottish?
09-10-03, 12:08 PM
you know your second name might not have any relation to where you blood came from?
according to my name i'm either french or irish, (please god let me be a french man) at least that way i can carry my bo with pride, and give garlicy kisses:)
09-10-03, 12:13 PM
50% sicilian, 50% german
born in united states
born in aurora, illinois
I was born in Calgary, Alberta. I am of Scandinavian and British descent. I am a 6' blonde, totally Scandinavian!
12-07-03, 12:19 AM
scottish, english and danish decendent .........
but 100 percent canadian
12-07-03, 01:01 AM
moms from israel and my dads from poland form my rents im half jewish half polska lol
12-08-03, 01:06 AM be more specific I am Blackfoot indian, irish, probably some scottish and a few other things thrown in (I'm a mutt! lol)
My partner, scottish, swedish,penobscot indian, english, peqouy (p-coy *pronounciation*) indian, and an american....
12-08-03, 01:26 AM
My parents were born in the Azores (Portugal), i was born here in Canada.
I was born in Canada, my Father is Jamaican, as are his parents and their parents.. My Mother was Born in Canada, but her parents are also Jamaican as were their parents and so on..
12-09-03, 08:08 AM
The Doc is swiss/german, Cherokee Indian.
Jan is Blackfoot Indian, german, and a family tree that dates back to the 1300's, including Scot, Irish, a Spainish prince and princess, but now just a mutt, and happy with it!
12-09-03, 11:10 PM
My great grandparents were german, czech, and English
12-10-03, 12:08 AM
Canadian......nothing interesting here, parents were Canadian, etc.
12-22-03, 01:35 AM
Im a "white mutt" ;) Irish, German, Dutch, Swiss, and a few others mostly Irish and German though.
12-22-03, 01:44 AM
I am native, (cree indian) and Dutch
12-22-03, 04:40 PM
Hmm....I guess I'm about 4th or 5th generation Canadian. Not totally sure on the origin of the blood though.....thats my Grandfather's department. I've heard it's a mix English/Irish/German, in that order.
01-13-04, 07:41 PM
im 100 percent VIETNAMESE! ohh yeaaaaa im proud of it too.....any other viets here????
01-13-04, 07:51 PM
Swedish/Norwegean/German on my moms side Irish on my dads
02-17-04, 07:33 AM
my mother was english, my father was english, my grandparents are english, my great grandparents are all english. so i am only english. and i hate england. go figure.
this board though it seems is mostly canadian, but all the canadian people have such a vast decendency. its truly mind blowing.
i'm 100% Quebecer .. I can go as far back and all relatives both sides and splits are all in Quebec.. My familly is the first to move out of the province to Ottawa.. I intend on movin back later..
So cancdian too I guess lol
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