View Full Version : My second attempt at a snake rack

07-31-03, 07:32 PM
I like this much better then the first one. Well it's the same rack with two more trays. I still have to paint it though that should be fun!
Thanks for looking(again),

07-31-03, 09:23 PM
Now THAT is more efficient use of space. :)

07-31-03, 09:54 PM
it really is....looks awesome man.

07-31-03, 10:22 PM
Good job


08-01-03, 12:55 AM
Now thats what I want!

08-01-03, 01:07 AM
that is great, you can still see in the tanks nicely if needed but you used the space much more efficiently.

08-01-03, 10:53 AM
Thanks guys,

08-02-03, 04:32 PM
Couple questions Trevor - what are you using for the screen top on this - is it metal or plastic window screen or hardware cloth? Any concern about them being able to push through it or is it held on by wooden strips all along the edges.

Is the slide that the tub fits in just routered in the 2X4 along the end? Any concern about the sides sagging because these tubs are so long? I have the same tubs - got them because of the great floor space, but they are shallow and I like the extension to the top that your design gives. I was planning a typical melamine rack for them, but am considering going with your design instead to get that improvement. How much space do you have between the screen lid and the bottom of the next tub? I like the visibility that you get with the screen tops - just worried about security as I am planning to use them for corns and hondurans.


mary v.

08-02-03, 04:55 PM
Hey Mary,

Yes it's hardware cloth. I've got a lid now from a pet shop that uses it and I haven't had a problem with nose rubbing. If I do I will line the inside with plastic screen. It is stapled to the 2x4 and then a piece of straping is stapled over top along the edge.
I didn't have a table for the router so I just ripped three cuts into the 2x4 with the table saw and then used a wood chisel to remove the wood leaving me with the grove that the edge of the tray slides into along the sides and back.
Sagging wont be a problem in the back I dont think because of the rail but up front I don't know yet.
Between the bottom of the tub and the screen below it is about 3.5 in or so. If you are plaining to use it for colubrids just make sure you plug the little holes that happen in the back where the side meets the back their is a small whole where the groves in the two 2x4's meet.

08-02-03, 05:51 PM
What are you using for heating?

08-02-03, 06:02 PM
Exoterra heat pads attached to the bottom of the containers with velcro.

08-02-03, 09:36 PM
Thanks Trevor

especially for the tip on the holes at the back where the rails meet - that could be a problem for the younger corns,

thanks again,

mary v.

08-02-03, 09:40 PM
looking good great job.

08-02-03, 09:42 PM
Great job Trevor:D
Happy Herping,

08-02-03, 09:57 PM
Thanks guys.

that could be a problem for the younger corns

As it is right now Mary I would not put anything but a full grown colubrid in it. It is intended for Hog island boas and balls. My next one will be a bit tighter too. I made the grove for the edge of the tube a tad too wide.

08-02-03, 10:19 PM
Looks pretty good Trev. A coat of stain and and some varathane and they should last years.
It's not that much different from my design, but I use 1X3 pine instead of 2X4's so its lighter. I
put my trays in length wise side by side, females on the right and males on the left, so each palete contains a pair of snakes.
These are the Zellers "Truly" brand under bed trays. They are bigger and cheaper than Rubbermaids and more shallow, so you can stack more in a rack(snakes aren't tall). I get 9 layers
in a 5 foot rack, for 18 charges per unit.. I keep everything from rosies to Hondurans in these.
In cases were I need to hold the moisture in, I simply slide a platic desk blotter sheet over the screen. I do the same when I use a tray for and egg laying sight.. Just swap trays with a moss filled one and top it off with plastic. works like a charm

08-02-03, 10:51 PM
I love it Roy. As a matter of fact I've been eyeing that desing for some time now. A couple of things I'm not sure about though is how you joined the two pieces of 1x3 together to forum the joint at the corner. Also how did you make the rails?

08-02-03, 11:21 PM
The one by three frames are simply butt jointed, clamped and glued with Lepages wood glue. I use bar clamps, one on each side to hold them together while they set. You could use long counter sunk screws if you wanted.
I then stain and varathane the frames and staple the door screening on before putting the T bar rails on. The Rails are simply two different pieces of moulding or lattice it's called. One sets the gap so its just slightly wider than the lip, then ther other piece is wider and is screwed into the center of the spacer, and it provides the actual support for the tray lips.
Both the "T bar" pieces are stock items at home depot and Building Box. I don't custom make them.

08-03-03, 12:21 AM
Here's a pic showing the bottom of the pallets and then the completed unit with 9 pallets holding 18 charges. I use wood screws to secure the pallets to the sides, similar to how yours looks.
I don't support the lip at the back, there is simply a back stop, to keep the tray from going too far
above the completed unit which is 5 feet high by 3 feet wide by 2 feet deep. Holds 18 snakes

08-03-03, 09:44 AM
Awsome! Thanks Uncle Roy, I'll let you know when it's done. I better get it done soon I'm trying to get ready for some more kenyans and rosy boas don't you know.

08-03-03, 09:59 AM
For those who asked , I heat my entire room, but use strips of 3 inch Flexwatt across the back of pallets where I have gravid female Boids above. I simply use a staple gun to attach a piece across the the top of the one by three frame of the section below the tray holding the gravid female.
Heat rises and provides the necessary warm spot on the bottom of the tray above. I use a dimmer for adjustment.

08-03-03, 10:07 AM
This is excellent - I was looking for pics of your design but couldn't find them. Very much along the lines of what I want for my corns, and great to know I can just buy those T bar strips instead of having to make something similar. I like the water bowls - looks like PVC pipe cut high enough to sit a deli tub in and high enough so that it can't tip over. Will have to get working on one of these this weekend,

thanks to both of you for the ideas - an alternate to the heavy melamine,

mary v.

08-03-03, 10:08 AM
Oh and Roy about the finishing. I had said earlier that I was going to prime and paint. You've menthiond stain and varnish. The only reason I was going to prime and paint is because I'm also doing some home renovations and I have some extra paint and primer. Why do you prefer stain and varnish over paint?
Thanks again,

08-03-03, 02:39 PM
Excellent pictures you guys! Holy. I think we should all thank you for sharing. Not many people would take the time to do that.

Great stuff! :D

08-04-03, 02:30 AM
Trev, paint is fine. I just like the natural wood look..All my racks are done the same way. Nothing wrong with using your home decor paint though, especially since the snakes wont be touching the paint.
Mary, I hate melamine. Lots of young herpers love it, but they haven't moved yet! LOL
The stuff weighs a bloody ton, and chips easily and dulls saw blades. Since it is particle board, it also emits formaldehyde gas.
Just try to move one of those type of racks..
Maybe when you're in your 20's! LOL
I'll take pine & screen racks and plywood cages any day!

I use the John Hollister technique for water bowls.
And yes, they are 4 inch PVC pipe couplers, available (without cutting any pipe) at Home Depot or Canadian Tire. You simply put a 12 or 16 oz deli container in, and when it's dirty throw it out. I don't wash water bowls.. just use em till they're dirty then toss them. I buy them by the thousand anyway for selling baby snakes in.
Time is money!

08-04-03, 03:22 AM
That's funny how techniques evlove eh Roy? I've been using the PVC piping method for quite some time now too, but I never knew anyone else did! Ha ha, I thought I made it up! LOL!

Cheaper than those damn Hagan ceramic bowls that Patterson tried to get me to use. Maybe when I hatch out some Diamonds I'll be able to afford them, LOL!!!


08-04-03, 09:42 AM
Right you are Jeff! I just switched over this year after a tip from an American buddy. He pointed me
to John Hollisters web page. He's listed on KS
It looked and sounded great to me...I'm now sold on it, but I still use little bowls for neonates, but I use little ceramic Ramakin bowls, the white ones.
My tip is buy these from the dollar store(Dollarama) they are only 2 for a buck, compared to 5 bucks each at department stores.
For baby snakes waiting to be sold, I use little
plastic pipe caps, as water bowls. They are cheap and made by Niagara plastics. They are designed to protect the threads on pipes..They come in a million sizes and colors.
I bought a box of 500 a couple years back.

08-04-03, 10:43 AM
I've also seen the pipe thing in my Dr. Seaward video. I'm wondering if the pipe is glued or something to the tub? What I've been using is a square plastice food storage container from the dollar store. The work well I very rarely get any spills. I guess it's because they have a square bottom they must be inately more stable. Does the pipe give that much of an advatage or do you just use it because of the style of deli cup water bowl you guys are using?

08-04-03, 02:45 PM
I just use a regular drywall screw to attach the pipe Trev. Takes 10 seconds and viola! Done.

Roy, those pipe ends DO sound like a good idea. Pipe ends also come in a million different sizes too! I'll have to look into it.

08-04-03, 02:50 PM
It is gorgeous, Trevor!! two of my enclosures take up that much space!! I can't wait to see it when it is finished. Just a suggestion but I don't think that you should paint it... you should stain it with wood stain and then gloss it. Gee... I wish that someone in my family knew how to nail two blocks together :(

08-04-03, 03:35 PM
Favelle, I buy my "mini baby bowls" from a local company called Caps & Plugs. They might have a web site and an office out west, but I'm not sure.
I'm pretty sure they would ship to you on a credit card
I use model E-20, as it fits nicely in 12 and 16 once delis, but there are tons of different varieties and sizes even different colors
Call 1-800-668-3235 They will ship them UPS, or you could ask for a catalogue.

08-04-03, 05:41 PM
Know what's even cheaper Roy?? I just get 20 feet of 4-inch PVC and cut it into 2.5 inch sections (as seen by my picture there). It costs like $1 a foot, so I can make 96 "holders" for $20!!! That's only 21 cents per holder!

And the 4-inch PVC fits the 16oz deli cups perfectly!!

I'll check out the cap ends for smaller sizes. I was thinking of them for Jungles. Jungles don't need a 16oz water dish soo.....

08-04-03, 08:01 PM
Yeah, that's frugal of you there Jeff..Nothing wrong with that, but everytime I cut that crap the saw goes sideways and I end up with uneven rough ends that are sharp and harder to clean..
I'm spoiled I guess, I just buy the couplers,as they are straight, even , smooth and easy to clean without burrs... you're right though, the couplers are over 2 bucks. You got a nice band saw, the time and a steady hand, cutting your own holders out of 4 inch PVC is by far the cheaper way. Actually I have a band saw at work, maybe I'll try that next time..
Yeah those pipe cap baby bowls would be great for your baby carpets, and maybe Pueblans and other stuff that size. Hondos just flip them and make a big mess.I've hot glued them to the sides before. Hondos are a pain to package in temporary housing. Got to put those big wirey guys in shoeboxes, right from the get go.

08-04-03, 08:33 PM
Heh heh, but in my non-frugal youth, I bought a $300 mitre (chop) saw that cuts sooooo clean and straight, its not even funny.

Heh heh.....I'll SELL you some sections??? LOL, JK. :D

Heh heh, Hondos ARE a pain, but when you see the colors....its just sooo worth it. But you are already WELL aware of that, ha ha!

Did we lose Trev (aka Chewie)? This WAS his thread, wasn't it??