View Full Version : Any Specific Info You Can Give Me on Arizona Mt. Kings?

07-30-03, 07:41 PM
I just bought a startlingly lovely pair of Arizona Mountain Kingsnakes and was wondering if any of you kingsnake fanciers out there could give me some specifics about their care.

Arizona tends to be a dry state, so do they need less humidity than, say, my Louisiana milks?

They live in the mountains, too. What is an optimal temperature?

What other things can I do to keep them healthy and happy?

07-30-03, 07:45 PM
I do not and have not ever kept Arizona Moutain Kings, but from tidbits I have seen, read and learned here and there, it seems their care is much like a regular kingsnake in regards to a normal heating gradient for most colubrids (82-85 or so hot spot) and I have not noticed any special notes about humidity. Most common colubrids like the kings corns and milks can easily be kept happy with just a humid hide when it comes to that, although some have special requirments.

They are all somewhat general LOL but I KNOW someone out here in ssnakess.com land will have some specific info for you! :D

Great buy! I love those guys. Get pics soon! Congrats!


07-30-03, 07:55 PM
I believe they require the same conditions as most kings/milks/rats. Low/Moderate humidity, hot spot of 82-86.

07-30-03, 08:02 PM
Check out Bob Applegate's web site at http://www.applegatereptiles.com/index.html. He is one of the premier breeders of pyros and he has an excellent Article Archive of papers he has written on care and managment of a kingsnake breeding facility and these species. Be aware that he is one person who keeps these species in groups, when most people are not willing to run the risk of cannibalism - so make your own judgement on that one, but I think most would agree that his advice on care requirements of Arizona kings and other species is excellent.

mary v.

08-02-03, 04:05 AM
Thanks, I'll check out the site!