View Full Version : hemhorraged pinky rat?

07-30-03, 07:22 AM
I went to check on the f/t pinky rats that I got for my ball python on Saturday, and one of them had turned this gross shade of black in the middle area. It took me about 40 minutes to get it home from the store on the bus...is it possible that it went bad? Should I throw it out, or do your pinkies normally do this? I've never seen it before.



07-30-03, 05:18 PM
Looks to me like rigor mortis. It's probably no good anymore. Pinkies rot SO quickly...

07-30-03, 06:30 PM
yech. thanks. i'll toss it.

07-31-03, 07:39 AM
I can't tell from the pic whether its rotten or if its just a bruise. All my pinkies get fairly bruised from being wacked, when they thaw you can clearly see the bruising, and any exploded organs (sometimes the stomachs explode and the milk gets spread around). However a rotten rodent will have a darkening of the stomach. Even adult rats you will be able to see it. If in doubt, just toss it ;)

08-02-03, 11:55 PM
Just a suggestion, if you know you are going to be picking up frozen feeders you might want bring one of those small portable/foldable coolers. You know those kind you use to keep a lunch cold or hot in. Just a suggestion:)

08-03-03, 12:22 AM
Just a question.. what is rigor mortis? I've heard of it, but I don't know what it is. Thanks. ~TR~

08-03-03, 06:47 AM
Rigor Mortis is when the bones start to tense and get 'stiff' after death. It occurs in animals and humans.

08-03-03, 06:57 AM
Rigor Mortis is when the bones start to tense and get 'stiff' after death

Mmm... bones are already stiff. :)

It is the tissues that are withdrawing that makes the bodies rigid.
In humans, it is a very good indicator of the time of death as well, as it begins at a certain time in one end of the bod and leaves at a very nearly exact time from the same end, usually within a 24 hour period. (correction- 48 hour period, http://www.dplylemd.com/guest-articles/medicine-forensics/timely-death.htm )

But as for that pinky.. looks very normal to me as their skin is very translucent, making it easy to see everything inside.

Did it thaw completely?
Was it still cool or was it hot by the time you got home?
Any idea how long it was frozen at the store?
How it was frozen also? as in a zip lock or a paper bag?

Edited for a correction and to add a link. :)