View Full Version : What are my variables?

Kyle Barker
07-30-03, 04:15 AM
I am curious what colour forms my variables are. I beleive the red one is a milksnake phase, but dont know for sure. I have no idea about their genetics, sooooo, what could i expect from this pairing? Any blacks? Or is it totally random?


Thnaks for the help,

07-31-03, 01:03 PM
Very nice variables - and I believe you are correct that the red banded is a milksnake phase. I am still sorting out the distinctions between them and was hoping one of the more knowledgeble members here would respond - but I will venture an opinion that the other snake is a thayei - based on the narrower saddles that do not have a pronounced white edging on the black borders. Our Durango has a lot of white around the black saddles and our San Luis Potosis has a much higher saddle count - but without reference books here, that is about what I can offer. It is my understanding that the background color can vary a lot, but I think the peachy/orange tones are more common in the thayeri - so that would fit with what yours looks like too.

very nice pair - now you need a black phase to go with them,

mary v.

Kyle Barker
08-01-03, 11:17 PM
Thanks they are both for sure thayri (the one thing i do know). I was actually kinda wondering what the chances of getting a black one are from this pairing, if any. I am so confused with their genetics.

08-02-03, 08:34 AM
Nice Variables,
They look a milksnake and a buckskin..(leonis)
variables are our favorite. As far as genetics go. We bred black to black this year and luckily they produced 5 blacks and 1 leonis phase. We also bred leonis phase to milksnake phase and leonis to leonis and got everything but black. I guess you chances of getting black are greatly improved if you use black but not guarenteed. That is the great thing about variables...You never know what your going to get.


Kyle Barker
08-02-03, 09:26 PM
than ya kindly. I got 6 eggs a couple months ago, but all infertile. I didint even cool her or know she was grav. till she laid. guess i shoul dput more effort into them:) So if i understand right, its *possible* to get blacks for these?


08-02-03, 10:38 PM
possibly... thats why they call them variables. But from what we have seen you have a better chance if you use blacks to begin with.


Kyle Barker
08-02-03, 11:51 PM
Ya, but why would i want to buy more colubrids?

just kidding o>

In fact i think you actually got me wanting to breed these, badly. Before it really didn't matter to me, but i looked up the black ones and i love em. So i guess cooling will happen soon enough ;)
Thanks for the help.
