View Full Version : First cham??

07-28-03, 08:21 PM
Anyone have any suggestions as to what kind of cham to get. I really like the Panther ones, but heard they are hard to look after. I don't want a veiled because they lack the bright colors I like and also because they don't like to be handled (so I've read) Anyway It'll be me and my little brother (he's 7) looking after it. Any ideas??

07-28-03, 09:05 PM
well i heard that most chameleons dont like to be handled it really depends on the chameleon you wont kno untill you got it...im guess that part. im planning to get a chameleon my self i got the cage and everything ready but im still researching for my self and the chameleon the more research you do the more healthy ur chamelon thats wut i've heard and im hoping to get one at the next show. but good luck

07-28-03, 09:12 PM
I don't plan on getting one for a while. My little brother has to prove that her can look after one of my leos before my parents will even consider us getting a cham. Just for those who might worry it would be mainly me who'll be looking after the cham, he'll help do everything though.

07-28-03, 09:51 PM
I got lucky by getting a really really really tame female veiled as my first chameleon. She has the personality of my huge golden lab (lap dog even though huge :S), and she's always nice, only bitten me when I had a feeder in my fingers. She never gapes or hisses at me unless she's cold and moody. So, personality wise, I would get a vieled again. Or so I thought. I got a male thinking I would be just as lucky, but he is so aggressive and freaks out as soon as I come in the room. So, if I had to do it all over again, I would have got a panther. They are more mellow, and definately more colorful (depending on locale [AMBILOBE!]), and I can't wait till I get my first panther.


07-28-03, 09:55 PM
where does the prices range too?

07-28-03, 09:56 PM
srry i ment wut***my bad

07-28-03, 10:27 PM
Get a panther, more colourful. Maybe a bit nicer than a veild but thats up the chams personality. Good Luck on making a decision :D


07-29-03, 04:35 AM
Price range for veileds is 35$-60$, with 50$ being average. If you live around big breeders, I wouldn't be suprised if you could get them for as low as 20$, in the states they are sold to wholesalers for 7.50$ in some places.
Panthers have a really wide price range. A not-so-colourful ambanja or nosy be will cost you about 125$-150$ and some really nice ambanjas, sambavas and diego suerez will cost you 175$-250$+, ambilobes, really nice ambanjas, and ankaramys as well as tamataves (which I think are rather ugly) will fetch a price from 200$ to 800$ depending solely on colour of either it or its father.


07-29-03, 02:29 PM
Ok so it sounds like it'll be a panther for us :)