View Full Version : Insane. Baby shots. I guess this is the reason we selectively breed....

07-28-03, 03:48 AM
Turning out to be way better than I thought. I've been doing Rainbows for a while now so their beauty sometimes gets lost on me (not often, but sometimes). Well these little gems just reaffirm everything I love about Brazilian Rainbows, hands-down my favorite Boa!!

The parents of these snakes are both babies that I have produced and their parents were both babies that I hand-picked from Don Patterson a long time ago when he had like a hundred+ babies to choose from.

I can stare at these things all day long. Nature rules!








http://members.shaw.ca/galleryb/snakes_banner_final.jpg (http://www.jefffavelle.com)

07-28-03, 09:05 AM
What do you look for in a hold back Jeff, colour, moons, both? I'd love to find one with a perfect pattern all around, something symetical.

07-28-03, 09:10 AM
Great looking snakes Jeff


07-28-03, 09:13 AM
Lookin great Jeff! :D I like the 4th baby down... The moons on that one look pretty good!

07-28-03, 09:13 AM
I love the second pic. The colours are so nice!!

07-28-03, 09:16 AM
jeff, i cant believe the contrast on those little guys, WOW
you did good pickin' out the adults....i cant even imagine what the next generation would look like!

keep us updated as they grow, i cant wait to see how they hold their color!!!!

07-28-03, 09:41 AM
Crazy looking babies! Looking forward to seeing how they turn out!

07-28-03, 09:45 AM
They look great- such vibrant colors!

07-28-03, 11:23 AM
Hey thanks guys! I can't take any of the credit though, the animals do all the work. We just facilitate it happening! :D

Trev, I like symmetry too, but I also like aberrancies. Its mostly about color with me. A couple (usually10-25%) of babies in a litter will always stand out. Those are what you look for. But after a while, it gets to a point where all the babies start to look like screamers! And we're getting close!! :D

Thanks all!!!

07-28-03, 11:43 AM
see man, you're doing it again! Awesome looking babies man

07-28-03, 01:25 PM
i agree with emily...the second pic is awesome.

Big Mike
07-28-03, 01:27 PM
I hope you will have lots to look at when you come to the Red Deer show. I might be very tempted to buy a BRB.

07-28-03, 04:48 PM
Those are INSANE beautiful. I hope I can get some beauties like that.

07-28-03, 05:02 PM
They are all beautiful little ones, but the 2nd and the 4th looks awesome :)

07-28-03, 09:06 PM
I'll be there Mike! 2 tables with a goofy-looking guy selling Rainbows! You can't miss me, ha ha!

Thanks all! #1 and 2 are my favorites so far, but everything usually changes after the first shed!! In a perfect world, I'd keep them all and see how they all turn out, ha ha!

Cheers! :D