View Full Version : Extremely mean aggressive female beardie?

07-27-03, 08:15 PM
Hi, we have now aquired yet another adult beardie from a show. She is beautiful yellow with nice pattern. When I picked her up at the show she was in the protected stance with mouth open and beard flaring wide. She was raised in a private home as a pet. The guy said she was freaked being at the show which I could understand. Well we have her home now for awhile and she is SO mean! She doesn't want to be held or messed with in anyway and she WILL bite! She avoids the food dish and all she does is hide in the corner. She won't eat, not that I can see but she is fat and healthy. She has never been bred. I got her to be part of a trio but my other pair won't even go near her. I thought at least my male might show a interest in her but no way. Will she settle down and tame down or is she just plain too aggressive to be a good pet?

07-27-03, 08:23 PM
Hey there... that really stinks that she is being aggressive!

There is a possibility that she will tame down. Just keep handling her, or maybe just petting her. When you approach her, go slowly as to not startle her and just pet her back, or her head.(Although, you say she bites so maybe the head isn't a good place to pet, lol.) Just keep working with her and she should calm down. She's in a new place and might just be stressed out. Give her time... she should calm... GOOD LUCK! Keep us updated on this little girl's behavior. :D

08-02-03, 10:27 AM
Sounds to me like she's stressed out and she might tame down beautifully if left to her own devices for a few days. She really needs time without the stress of other beardies or humans for up to a week to give her time to adjust.

08-02-03, 11:26 AM
She is starting to warm up to the other beardies now. She has started eating with them at the feed dish and she lays with them and on them when basking. We have stayed away from the cage except to offer food. I think she is getting adjusted. We did pick her up last night and held her and she didn't assume a defensive stand. I have a feeling that the previous owner might have tormented her regularly to see her flare out her beard etc. We bought her at a show but she was privately owned at one time.