View Full Version : pics of my boas
boa maniac
07-11-02, 07:06 PM
:w hey does anybody want to see some of my locality specific boas, just a few of the many i have, more to come soon,
( ) hopefully that will work, okay lets see
boa maniac
07-11-02, 07:32 PM
tomorrow i will try to take some more photos of my boas, some just ate and some are in shed, but the ones that are okay to take out i will photograph them for you all to enjoy, i hope you luv them as much as i do, mike
Those are some pretty awesome snakes man~!
I love the equi. especially..
boa maniac
07-14-02, 12:01 AM
:o hey but its workin now, check out my photos, i never got a chance to add more yet because i had to go out of town for a few days, oh yes by the way, thanx dom, the equadorians are my fav too, i luved the ever since they first arrived here, in a week or two i will be recievin some la bahia island boas, the same locality where dennis seargent first came up with fire bellies, hopefully these ones i recieve will have lots of reds and orange, i will post them, i am also recievin some nice costa rican's as well and i will post them too, anywasy enjoy my photo's, mike
awesome snakes! i especially like the guyana and suriname :)
boa maniac
07-26-02, 08:34 PM
hey sorry for takin so long, i have been very busy, anyways i included a few more pics of my snakes, i will take some more of my others soon, kay, enjoy, mike
07-26-02, 09:52 PM
very nice that l.t.c male guyanan!!
07-26-02, 11:41 PM
some beautiful snakes!
Great collection! 'Speciallly like your Baranquilla girl and male Guyanans! ;)
boa maniac
07-27-02, 09:33 AM
thanx again every one, i also have a large L.T.C. female guyanan, but i just fed her yesterday so i will take her pics after a few days, she is absolutely breathtaking, i will finalll be recieving my la bahia island B.C.I.'s in sometime nextweek, i am extremely excited, these are authentic la bahia island boas, the parents where collected on one of the islands located off hondurious, it is the same island where dennis seargent collected his original stock for his fire belly morphs, hopefully these ones i recieve will have lots of reds, will keep you posted! i am also gettin some really nice costa ricans in in the next few weeks as well! WAHOOOOOO!!!!!! thanx mike:D
Those are so beautiful!! I can't wait till I've graduated to boa stage. I dont have the space, $$, or time. I want to be a good mom when the time comes. LOL
Gorgeous creatures!!
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