View Full Version : Rubber

07-26-03, 10:46 AM
somebody have a rubber boa???
What do you think about this snake?
I want to buy a rubber but it's very hard to find!



07-27-03, 02:38 AM
I'd love to own one as well, but unfortunately they are native to Alberta, and thus not legal to own as pets here.

07-27-03, 08:32 AM
Hello Invictus,
Do you know if in Quebec is not legal too?
All the Canada or just in the Alberta?



07-28-03, 11:11 AM
There are a few rubbers in Canada. They're also native to BC, and thus illegal to keep here as well.

08-05-03, 06:03 PM
i also live in BC (abbotsford) and i heard there are plenty of rubber boas in the interior. i would love to find some just because i have never seen one up close before. does anyone know exactly where in BC would be the best place to find them?

08-05-03, 06:32 PM
Spat, well, if Rubber Boas are native to Quebec, then, I would imagine that they would be illegal. But, I don't think that you have them there. Your best bet is to do some research on snakes that are native to your province, and go from there. I'm guessing that ownership of a snake that's native to your province is illegal all over Canada, but, then again, I could be wrong.

08-05-03, 06:43 PM
no, rubber boa aren't native from Quebec!
They live in north USA and BC.
I'm really disapointed to learn that it's not legal in Québec because It's my dream to have a rubber!!!!
It's strange that it's not legal in Canada and it's legal in USA ???
It's realy weird!
If somebody know a method to get a rubber...email me :)



08-05-03, 09:44 PM
Actually in California its also illegal to sell native animals. I think what you would have to do here in CA is go through a breeder out of state, or something like that. I don't know about the rest of the states. Heh seems like everything is illegal here in California.

08-05-03, 09:53 PM
I successfully imported Rubber boas, with CITES last year from California. They can be kept and bred in that state but not sold.
There is currently no domestic supply of this species in Canada. I'm working on it, but they are hard to obtain legally, mature slowly, and have very small litters, usually 3 or 4.

08-05-03, 10:57 PM
You gotta love snake forums. We talk about our balls and how difficult it is to obtain rubbers, and no one thinks this is the least bit weird!

Nonetheless, I am sure I saw a breeder's site today who carried rubber boas. I'll look into it more, and see what I can find.

08-05-03, 11:16 PM
LOL @ Invictus!!!

08-05-03, 11:24 PM
Hahaha! Nice one. Someone told me about rubber boas here in BC, and I was like.. yea, right. But now I know they're for real. Lol. Good luck getting one though.

08-06-03, 02:25 AM
Oh they're for real. I've seen about 15 in all my years mucking around with reptiles. Kinda cool. Like a drab rosy boa with a blunter tail.

08-06-03, 08:11 AM

08-06-03, 02:14 PM
Hello everybody!!

Stockwell: If you have somes baby for sell one day...think at me ;)
Can you explain me how I do for import a rubber with CITES?
It's should be very expensive!

Invictus: If you find some informations about breeders of Rubber...email me!!! :) Thanks a lot!



08-06-03, 09:45 PM
Originally posted by Invictus
You gotta love snake forums. We talk about our balls and how difficult it is to obtain rubbers, and no one thinks this is the least bit weird!

LOL so true! :p

08-07-03, 01:32 AM
from my nolage, rubbesare only native to the west and mid-west usa and canada