View Full Version : Might be a record

07-26-03, 10:13 AM
Do any of you know what is the world record for burmese pythons. I think that mine might be the biggest. He is almost 29 feet and he is 432 pounds and he is wider then a 14 ince tire around.
If he is great but if now owell I still love him

07-26-03, 10:26 AM
I am highly skeptical of a 29 foot burmese. Can you prove your claim with pictures?

07-26-03, 11:09 AM
I thought it was around 23' or in that area.

07-26-03, 11:14 AM
Hi Lakeridgekennel, where in Winnipeg are you located?

07-26-03, 11:44 AM
Get out a tape measure. If you are acurate, that would be a record. Let us know....

07-27-03, 12:16 PM
29 FEET, holy ish. Prove that claim with a pic because i dont think people will believe you.

07-27-03, 12:20 PM
29 feet!!!! If you show me a pic ill believe you but i dont think so.

07-27-03, 03:06 PM
He is almost 29 feet and he is 432 pounds and he is wider then a 14 ince tire around.

I might be the only one that saw that but a 29 foot male even a pic wont prove anything (photoshop).

next time you wana tell ppl you have a huge cinstrictor like that one at least make it a female. that is easyer to belive.

07-27-03, 03:10 PM
I would like to see that one show us a pic and i will post a pic of my 300 ft corn snake.....lol

07-27-03, 03:31 PM

Guys She might have a 29 foot burm..U never know...

Make shure u send u a pic of u compared to it :)
I really wanna see this thing........Im not gonna say U need some proof

07-27-03, 04:53 PM
Show me the pics please and look at the pics here


07-30-03, 09:41 PM
HAHAHAHAHAH 29ft male. You're funny.

reptile gueen
07-31-03, 02:53 AM
The longest Snake in the World is a Reticn at 32 ft 9.5in
it was shot in Indonesia in 1912

The Heaviest Snake is a Berm named Baby that weighed 403lb
is 21 years old 27 feet long with a girth of 28 in.
lives at serpent safari park
Guinness World Records

07-31-03, 04:23 AM
Where did you get your measurement from? A wet shed? I tried that & come up with a 6ft Bull. In actual fact, she was 4'7. If you have a Burm that size,I'll have her & give you any price you ask for, my car, home, wife & Kids.

07-31-03, 09:29 PM

07-31-03, 09:41 PM

07-31-03, 11:34 PM

07-31-03, 11:40 PM
Argle Bargle Fargle Bunk!

08-03-03, 05:14 PM


08-03-03, 05:26 PM
OK guys,you never know....I gotta agree with Burmer tho',that's about the top length I've heard of for a Burm.
How 'bout a pic Lakeridge? And something for scale. :)

08-04-03, 11:41 PM
post a pic or i dont believ it. i have only heard of retics and i think a few anacondas havebbeen that big. i dout that a burm could . with the pic have him next to some mesureing device (tape mesurer)

08-05-03, 01:44 AM
A burm that big would have to eat goats, wouldn't it?

08-09-03, 01:46 PM
My burms eat goats. (when I can get them) and they are no where near that big.

08-09-03, 02:29 PM
isn't this post by the same person that said they got scared/shaking feeding a mouse to a BP, couldn't figure enclosure size for a boa, and knew nothing about heat tape (what uses a UTH for a 29 ft burm sized cage)? I could not think of another person that could raise a burm to 29ft and not know those simple things. And of course no picture, personally I find this claim insulting to make to any person with any experience with giants, save this type of comment to impress folks that know nothing of snakes, they will believe it until they did a search for facts on burms, something LRK should have done.

08-09-03, 03:15 PM
you could have just said hogwash. =) ha ha

08-09-03, 03:23 PM
Cranwill and I are both in Wpg. I'm sure we would both be willing to come and varify this potential world record!?!?

On the other hand, we've had that mad cow problem locally, and many farmers are looking to get rid of their cattle, so maybe .......................big snake, eating lots of cows, in Winnipeg, ...... oh well, just a thought.

07-24-05, 07:07 PM
sorry to bring back an old post but wanted to say i saw baby in Nc at an expo and she is a big baby ppl takin pics of her with babys

07-25-05, 12:28 AM
Didnt baby die?

07-25-05, 12:30 AM
this was in 03

07-25-05, 08:55 AM
oops didnt see that

07-25-05, 09:56 AM
I remember this thread from quite some time ago.
A 29 foot snake was NEVER photographed, anywhere. Only a retic, said to be over 28 feet, named Colossus, shows on a pic or 2.
Every report of 29, 30 (or +) footers, was only "documented" by word of mouth and is left for anyone to believe if they like.

07-25-05, 10:01 AM
Last I heard (late 2004) Baby was still alive. I dont know where the rumor started but once or twice a year, someone posts that she has been dead for a while. I think when Samantha died, people got the story mixed up. Anyway, if Baby has actually died, feel free to correct me, but I haven't seen any credible report that this has happened.

07-25-05, 10:49 AM
this same thing came up about 5 mnths ago... baby wasnt dead then... stories were all mixed up

07-25-05, 11:54 AM
Baby from Serpent Safari is alive and well. I saw her when I went to the Chicago area last May. I have relatives that live near Gurnee Mall. Too bad I forgot to bring my camera. Her girth looked bigger than my waist and I wear size 31-32 pants. It was weird seeing such a huge body with a relatively small head. In comparison, a much smaller green anaconda (approx 15ft) had much larger head.

07-25-05, 12:43 PM
samantha, Baby, fluffy, etc...
How come all these supposed record breakers are in the US? You would think the best chances for that would be in Vietnam or Indonesia or something.
But again, USA publishes what they have. I guess we don't get to know half of what's going on in those forgotten countries.

07-25-05, 02:02 PM
Why would Vietnam (or Indonesia) have a better chance of growing a large python than the USA? We know snakes tend to get larger in captivity. There are a lot of pythons in zoos and private collections in the USA, so it seems pretty natural that there would be a lot of record-setting herps there. Guinness has records from all over the world recorded in it.

07-25-05, 03:22 PM
I think the population of pythons in Asia is far greater than in America (where there's only captives), so there's better chances of finding a giant where there's strenght in numbers. Also, the weather and conditions in asia are naturally perfect, us westerns sometimes THINK we are providing the best, but that's just our guess and it not always turns good.
So, yes, i think it would make better sense if the size record was from Asia.

07-25-05, 03:48 PM
I have to disagree. While it's true we dont always know what's best for captive animals, nature is pretty harsh too. Captive living is pretty easy by comparison. A well-cared for captive reptile doesn't have to fight off parasitic infections, doesn't have to compete for food. Doesn't even have to expend energy hunting at all. Doesn't have to worry about predators. Captive living is pretty easy, and this is reflected in the growth rates. I dont know for sure if there's a record setter in the wilds of Indonesia, but I'd be pretty surprised. If anything, captive reptiles tend to be a little too big to be healthy.

07-25-05, 08:48 PM
If you can send in some pics of your 29 foot ,400 odd pound burm,Hey,I might be a nice guy and send you some pics of my 5 foot 10 ,430 pound mother-inlaw...

07-25-05, 09:04 PM
blah kjfsj;sdf

07-25-05, 11:19 PM
I too would agree that snakes stand a better chance of getting huge in captivity. In the wild, especially in southeast Asia, retics are considered pests. They are often killed on sight as threats to cattle and other live stock. Man is a very efficent preditor, and as man developes more and more of the retics habitat, the more will be killed.

I've spoken with a few keepers in Asia, mainly Malaysia and the Philippines, and they don't have alot of stories about finding giant retics. For the most part they seem amazed that there are so many giant retics in North America.

07-25-05, 11:22 PM
its not my snake man

07-26-05, 12:45 AM
Hmmm, Winnipeg eh? Arent burms illegal in Winnipeg? Let alone a supposed 29 footer. If it is true, and you've properly measured this thing, your one foot away from being a very rich guy! Get packin!


Them and Us
07-26-05, 04:36 AM
Where did you get your measurement from? A wet shed? I tried that & come up with a 6ft Bull. In actual fact, she was 4'7. If you have a Burm that size,I'll have her & give you any price you ask for, my car, home, wife & Kids.

that was terribly mean and awefully hilarious haha .

07-26-05, 09:25 AM
Probably after he had the snake he would say: I got ya!! I'm not even married, sucker. ;)

My friends, you got it all wrong. I didn't say a snake has got to have better conditions for growing big in the wild. I just said that OUT OF ALL the snakes in the wild, you still have a better chance of finding your giant there. After all, the record is from a wild one, isn't it? Americans are taller than chinese. But i bet that if you pic 100 american guys and 10000 chinese guys, you have better chances of finding a giant among the chinese. In fact, the tallest guy in the world is chinese, i believe. It's the pure law of numbers.

Let's also not forget that nature breeds them for big, strong and resistant. We breed them for docile, mid-sized with nice colours.

07-26-05, 08:19 PM