View Full Version : Food ideas

07-25-03, 08:29 AM
i have 2 leos and a veiled cham. I need some more food ideas besides mealies and crickets. They love them and all but i'm thinking they might want more of a variety :) Which are the best for them? Wax, silk etc? And maybe some types of food are better for different types of replites?

07-25-03, 08:34 AM
Wax worms as treats you may also try silkworms and butterworms.

07-25-03, 09:46 AM
My leos love silkworms and waxworms! Watch out with the waxworms though because they're very fatty! Also, silkworms look really cool. When I buy some I spend ages just watching them move around! Silkworms are also big (at least from the places I bought them from) so if your leos are small I wouldn't buy them. I don't know anything about chams though.


07-25-03, 12:41 PM
Try butterworms, all my lizard/geckos like it

07-25-03, 01:41 PM
Much debated, but this thread is about variety, and feeding 'weird' food items to your geckos. I'm no chameleon expert, so all I can say is just try new things... I'm not aware if chameleons will eat some of these items. Hope this was of some help!


07-25-03, 04:02 PM
as the other people above said you can give them silkworms..i have seen both cham's and leopards eat them. There probably the most healthy worm you can give to your herp. good luck with all 3 of them :)